The Prime Minister speaks in front of the National Museum.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will deliver his speech on March 15 in front of the National Museum, which began at 10:30 a.m.

"In March 1848, Europe was on fire. Blood flowed in the streets of the capitals, in Vienna they fought on barricades. What did the Hungarians do? They wrote a poem. We edited 12 points. We walked from Pest to Buda. That was our first Peace March. We freed the political prisoners without firing a shot," Viktor Orbán began his speech.

The Hungarian revolution was not destructive, but constructive. He is not a negator, but a creator. True and beautiful. In the end, not death, but life sprouts from it

- emphasized the Prime Minister.

According to Orbán, today's Western world proclaims that the most important question of human life is what kind of world we leave to our children. "What a colossal mistake! The opposite is true.

The question is not what kind of world we leave to our children, but what kind of children we leave to the world. In fact, it all depends!

- he underlined, and then added: all this happened in 1848 as well. The parents of the young people of March knew that they are home only as long as there is someone to love them, the Prime Minister noted.

"Millions of people in the Western world think that they come from nothing and go to nothing, and therefore have no regard for anything or anyone. They start wars and despise the dead and disenfranchise the unborn. We Hungarians want to live differently"

Viktor Orbán said.

Viktor Orban

Viktor Orbán /Facebook

The prime minister also talked about how we will not be set free if everyone does what they want. "We want to build a country where there is no landlord over our heads. The biggest thing that can happen to us is to be born Hungarian," he added.

"In the Western world, they think that a person is just like that, he decides whether he will be a boy or a girl. And home is only an operational area. We Hungarians do not believe in this. If you stand alone in the world, you are not free, you are lonely. We Hungarians are comrades, that's what the Hungarians shouted in 1848, we are compatriots" -

said Viktor Orbán.

According to the Prime Minister, the Hungarian and European left are today breaking stones, while the right is building a cathedral.

"The Hungarian cathedral rises from the building blocks of forty generations"

- he added, then noted: our elders fought so that we could be here today. The heroes of 1848 saw the cathedral.

Viktor Orbán also talked about how we yearn for the joys of a quiet and peaceful life. "Europe is not quiet today, it is getting louder. Today, the peoples of Europe are afraid of their freedom from Brussels, and they want to force us to do something that is damnable and foreign to the Hungarian spirit. They want to squeeze us into a war, they want to settle migrants and they want to reshape our children. However, we will not leave all of this to them," emphasized the Prime Minister. According to him, Brussels is not the first empire to set its sights on Hungary.

"In the past 500 years, every empire has realized that oppression, blackmail, violence, Bach hussars, and puffballs won't get us anywhere. We are the stick between the wheel, and we are the David whom the Goliath better avoid"

Orbán emphasized.

If we want to preserve Hungary's freedom and sovereignty, we must occupy Brussels!

Now we will march to Brussels, and we will make the change in the union ourselves," said the Prime Minister.

According to Viktor Orbán, this year will be a turning point. "It's time for the governor's council to tremble in Brussels as well. We do not accept that Brussels has turned against the people, made our children debt slaves and taken people to war," he said, then emphasized: it is time to restore the sense of self and self-esteem of the European people. "We are not alone, the Slovaks have found their feet, the Czechs are waking up, the Americans have also revolted. By the end of the year, we will be the majority in the Western world."

We are facing a sovereignist turn in America and Europe, normal life can be restored and a great era of Western nations can open"

said the prime minister.

According to the Prime Minister, the fate of traitors will be met with those who seek against Hungary in Brussels. "We never knew the traitor," Prime Minister Magda Szabó quoted. "Are you breaking stone or building a cathedral? Brussels traffic belt or Hungarian freedom? War or peace?” Orbán asked the questions, then added: the European elections are here on June 9.

“You can't hide. You have to decide: do you stand up for your country, or do you prefer to eat the bread of strangers. And we parents will also get the answer to what kind of children we have left in the world," the Prime Minister concluded his speech.

Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Máthé