I don't know if it has been observed that if the "advanced" and "progressive" forces do not come to power, then the elections have been "rigged". But only at this time.

This anti-Semitism and the fight against anti-Semitism is a strange thing. And the rule of law is even weirder. And freedom of speech and opinion. And perhaps even stranger than these is the institution called "free and democratic elections".

Let's start with the latter!

I don't know if they have already noticed that if the "progressive", "progressive", (neo)Marxist, woke (if I forgot something from the fancy inhabitants of the nervous system, I apologize) forces come to power, then the elections " they were deceived". But only at this time. Otherwise, election fraud cannot arise. See, for example, the recent victory of Biden and the US Democratic Party, which was made exciting by an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots and an unprecedented number of dead votes cast, but when anyone raised the suspicion of fraud, they were immediately struck down with the liberal hammer that the mere assumption treason, disregard for democracy, and of course conspiracy theories and fake news.

Order, I understood, ears and tail tucked in, long live democracy!

On the other hand, if the right comes to power in a free election, the situation changes radically. At that time, they always "cheated the election", but at least "election frauds were revealed", in fact, international observers (comrade Virág, this is the verdict...) always observe that the elections were not really free and democratic, because... And then after that the justification follows, which can be so, so much fun and never boring, even though it's always the same everywhere, and any of us can write it in advance.

Now here are the Serbian elections.

Well of course they cheated. The beautiful, democratic and free election came, in her snow-white wedding dress, she smiled kindly, threw her bouquet behind her with her eyes closed, the bouquet was caught by the "woke" and "European" and "anyway" left-wing opposition, then evening came and Vucsic won, who is so-and-so and so-and-so, and "Orbán's friend and ally" anyway.

How could this even happen?

So that the beautiful democratic election, right after she threw away her bouquet with her eyes closed, was kidnapped and raped by the wicked, and by the evening she had become an old whore. And it happens again and again when the left doesn't win.

And if the left doesn't win too often and in too many places, then the beautiful, snow-white wedding dress of free choice will suddenly become an ordinary whore dressed as a dominatrix, who cracks the whip and abuses the poor society, sometimes she can even pinch the nipples of the poor society with crocodile clips , and this is unsustainable and intolerable, so

The New York Times also writes that free and democratic elections must be abolished, and instead those who are qualified will appoint who will rule the society.

But as long as it is possible to convince the societies of the necessity and necessity of this, some solution must be found, for example, preventing candidates who are not liked by the residents from running in the first place; lawsuits, defamation, foreclosures, court orders, jail time, etc.

This way, every election will soon be much more democratic and clean.

But - I repeat - if, due to some fatal accident, all kinds of right-wing "corrupt" and "fascist" pigs, who are also "friends of Orbán", start and still win, then we are faced with fraud, and in this case the rule of law will be suspended (a person named Zoltán Fleck "legal scholar" has already described the necessity of this, i.e. the suspension of the rule of law, the best part of which is that the named Fleck teaches the rule of law at the university of law), and when the rule of law is suspended, then the mob comes and tries to change the election results.

And in such cases, the mobs suddenly turn into a beautiful and snow-clear "opposition crowd" who descend from a moral pedestal of some incomprehensible and eternally unattainable height to us, set fires, break and crush, attack policemen, try to break into the institutions of democracy, etc.

Like, for example, now in Belgrade.

And in such cases, for example, the strict nerve-dwellers of Brussels, and those peeking and peeking from behind the barred windows, i.e. the "observers", the "guardians of democracy", the rapporteurs, the commissioners and "Europeans" are never worried, they have nothing to observe or report, in such cases everything is always fine.

Like in Warsaw, for example. Also in Warsaw.

In Warsaw (and Poland) from Sunday to Monday, the rule of law erupted like a volcano like lava, the irresistible democracy erupted, who came again in a snow-white wedding dress, with the impeccably "European", "Western", "democratic" and "modern" Donald Tusk at his side .

Now the two of them are standing next to each other like Afrodita Karambolo and Grga Veliki in Macskayaj, and the Brussels "elite" is so moved and so happy that suddenly, accompanied by a small, discreet hiss, everyone will be fine, and Daniel Freund speaks to Vera Jourová :

"Vera, shall we drink a soy-free tea?"

"Yes, Dani, yes, we even throw in some vegan laboratory meat!"

And doubters count for nothing. After all, is there any more irrefutable proof of the return of democracy than Tusk occupying Polish TV and radio and the news agency with thugs and policemen? Anyone who does not recognize the great and crystal clear democracy even after this is inescapable. Dadan Karambolo will throw hand grenades among those who still don't see the beautiful democracy after this.

Order, I understood, ears and tail tucked in, long live democracy!

And then we still have this anti-Semitism. That's weird too. Because, for example, in the last thirty-three years, "European" and "progressive" (that is, eo ipso left), etc. intellectuals found an antisemite under every flat stone, on every street corner. Did you say "bearded uncle"? You are anti-Semitic. Did you say Lilac? You are anti-Semitic. Did you say chinnadrattabumbumbumm? You are anti-Semitic.

Did you say Soros? You are anti-Semitic. Did you put it on a poster? You are anti-Semitic. Because I will tell you who is anti-Semitic. Right. And "European" and "progressive" (that is, eo ipso left), etc. intelligentsia issued the new password:

"Anti-Israel is the new anti-Semitism."

Command, I understood, ear and tail tucked in, long live Israel!

Of course, it is interesting that this is the same as "European" and "progressive" (that is, eo ipso left), etc. intellectuals who, before the regime change, were anti-Israel under all circumstances, in alliance with the Soviet Union and the "Jewish journalists from Pest", about whom Karinthy Cini wrote in her Diary:

"The Jewish journalists from Pest, who all have relatives in Tel Aviv, are a separate study, but now they defame Israel and the Jews with the same lust as the ancient archers. And of course, if possible, hiding behind the party! In such cases, I will also become anti-Semitic, but not because of the Israeli "tricks", but because of these scribblers from Pest, who always lick their teeth."

Well, they became Israel's biggest friend and supporter from Sunday to Monday. Of course, anyone who gets upset about this is an anti-Semite.

And now, on top of all this, here we are, in the big cities of the West (what is it?) anti-Semitic Arab mobs are raging, they attack Jews in the street, damage and desecrate Jewish institutions and cemeteries, and on the campuses of the best-known universities, they kill Jewish students and Palestinian bastards in headscarves they shout that "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free",

and according to the president of Harvard, if his students demand the extermination of the Jews, "it must be examined in its context",

so there is nothing to see here, everyone should go home calmly, except the Jews preferably without a kippah, and there is still something here that needs to be dealt with, and that is anti-Semitism in Hungary, because Pressman also said that anti-Semitism is rampant here, we hate it, because it is on a poster here there is Soros, and Jews cannot feel safe here.

That we didn't think of this until now!

This also shows that we are not sufficiently "European", "progressive", "woke", (neo)Marxists, etc. This also shows that we have no place on his nerves.

If I may ask, let it stay that way.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Zsolt Bayer, writer, journalist, presenter at the presentation of the book Hunting Chosen Me at the Agricultural Museum on January 12, 2022. The first volume of Nimród Books contains the philosophical writings of Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén about hunting and the short stories of Zsolt Bayer, as well as the works of sculptor Miklós Gábor Szőke and the installations of architect Zsolt Vasáros. MTI/Koszticsák Solid