Mariska is nervous. Because there are those who do not insult Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, but praise him. In the eyes of the downtown liberal sociologist, there was never, never will be, a greater crime than this. The only problem with this is that Mariska can live somewhere in the depths of outer space, far from our beloved Earth, even further from our country, and the furthest from reality. In his Facebook post he writes:

"It really irritates me when my friends prove how brilliant a politician Viktor Orbán is. Because I think that someone with an army of vassals bought into his service refeudalizes a country, plunders it, and plunges it into complete moral, intellectual and slowly economic collapse, no genius is needed. If Orbán had managed to dazzle not only the Hungarian people, but also the rest of the world, I would think that he really has serious political talent. But the exact opposite happened. His rule over the past 12 years has been a veritable foreign policy frenzy, he has piled up failure after failure, wrong step after wrong step, and he has managed to achieve none of his foreign policy objectives, but really nothing...

...the fact that Orbán manipulates half the country so successfully is not his political talent, but rather the country of semi-Hungary, which is infinitely provincial, devoid of civil traditions, has a feudal mentality, and lives in complete isolation. And he knows it too. That is why it destroys education and culture and chases away talented and successful people from Hungary. Because they are their enemies; the talented, successful, autonomous people, and his allies are the ignorant, uninformed, vulnerable millions.”

Whoops, Mariska! If you are irritated by the actions of Viktor Orbán (or by those who praise him), the opposite feeling also exists: the sane thinkers are irritated by your chatter. And what he says suggests the mentality of liberal Bolsheviks. But let's take your statements one by one.

According to you, Orbán is refeudalizing, i.e. bringing back the feudal system. If you think that you want to preserve the family in its traditional (and only acceptable) form, keep the nation independent, keep migrants outside our borders and protect our children and grandchildren from the aggressive push of the gender lobby, then you know what? Let that refeudalization come.

Moral and intellectual collapse? Perhaps it would be the preservation of traditional values? We know that you, worthy of a good globalist, would not only reject them, but also democratically ban them, but just because you don't like them, these values ​​still need to be preserved. While you bear all the hallmarks of moral and intellectual collapse.

Economic collapse? Since the Orbán government has been running the country, according to you, bankruptcy has already occurred two or three times a year. They are so infinitely smart that they predict this from time to time. Compared to this, the country is thanking you, it is doing well, even in such a collapsed state. He could at least pay attention to his foreign role models, who, although they also hate the national government, are often forced to acknowledge the successes of the "collapsing" Hungarian economy.

Foreign policy failures? It's not even worth pointing out, because anyone who sees the last 12 years as a failure is a very stupid person. Or he is very evil, because he knows that it is not so, yet he lies about it. Of course, if you mean by success what László Kovács means, i.e. dare to be small and carry out the globalist orders with a deep bent (while also doing a little linguistic work on the back end), then this foreign policy is really a failure.

Finally, we especially thank you for your kindness, in which you label as ignorant, uninformed, vulnerable millions those who do not wish to agree with you and consider themselves pro-government. The only problem with this is that this is the majority, including myself. We will not be offended, because we know that it is not only important what you say, but also who says it.

As an old, unfortunately deceased colleague of mine would say: Even this is good of you. But it wouldn't hurt to improve yourself.

(Cover photo: Mária Vásárhelyi. Source: