This will definitely not be called a ruin over there.

Let's nail it down - the quotes are verbatim, so that no one gets the impression that they might be badly cut and taken out of context sentences.

speech to the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See on Monday, similar to the (seemingly) dear Vatican statements . I would quote it triumphantly, as is customary, saying, Roma locuta, causa finita, ergo

Christian Hungary will be pleased to adhere to what has been said.

So, for lack of a better word, I would like to make up for the omission: "Human life must be preserved and protected at every moment of its existence; however, I see with regret - especially in the Western world - the continuous spread of the culture of death, which discards children, the elderly and the sick in the name of a kind of false compassion," the head of the church stated.

It is really regrettable to hear the Holy Father's words selectively: if we say that he is a representative of true Christian compassion, then there is no doubt that his otherwise trivial statement that we are not in the business of judging good-willed, God-seeking homosexuals is just as authoritative in this regard. (who, by definition, are looking for God, not the loopholes), as far as his proposition that

deliberately, prematurely taking the lives of patients is certainly not a humane act at all, but a manifestation of the culture of death based on false compassion.

But in addition, the train of thought continued: "Unfortunately, in recent decades, there have been attempts to introduce new [human] rights that, on the one hand, are not fully consistent with the originally defined human rights, and on the other hand, are not always acceptable.

These aspirations led to ideological colonization,

in which gender ideology plays a central role; the latter is extremely dangerous, as it erases differences in the name of making everyone equal. Ideological colonialism causes wounds and divisions among states rather than promoting peace”.

The quote is verbatim, so that no one has any doubts that it may be sentences that have been badly cut and taken out of context;

yes, every progressive and left-wing star pope says such things, for years and consistently, you just have to wash the right ear sometimes so that the information gets through.

Elsewhere, Pope Francis also said that surrogacy represents a serious violation of the dignity of women and children and should therefore be banned on a universal level (even if, I would add, this would be a serious blow to Ukraine, which has been promised EU membership, which, according to calculations, annually the industry brings in one and a half billion dollars in revenue); but in his speech the Holy Father also drew attention to the importance of dialogue within the international community,

pointing out the risk of the world splitting into different "clubs" where only states deemed ideologically appropriate can sit at the table.

"Ideological polarization can paralyze even bodies working for the public good," he pointed out, and then, looking ahead to the 2024 elections, he quoted the XII. Pope Pius(!)'s words :

"From the durability, harmony and good fruits of the mutual agreement between the citizens and the state power, we know the true and balanced rule of the people, and the secret of its vitality and development".

But I won't spoil any more - let independent-objective journalists save the part where the Pope says:

migration must be regulated so that the reception and integration of migrants is done with respect for the culture, sensitivity and security of the peoples who take responsibility for it;

and that we must insist on the right to remain in the homeland and create the necessary conditions for this.

Mandiner/Francesca Rivafinoli

Featured image: Pope Francis prays the Sunday Angelus (Angel of the Lord) from his Vatican study window overlooking St. Peter's Square on December 31, 2023, the last Sunday of the year. MTI/EPA/Vatican Media