The publication entitled "Full time comprehensive school" was recently published, which sets out the most complete and effective program for the education of students. The Magyar Kurír also asked Viktor Zsódi, the director of the Piarist High School, Primary School and Kindergarten in Mosonmagyaróvár, about this. .

According to Viktor Zsódi, the new narrative is a challenge for the Hungarian Piarist schools. He said about the publication "Full-Time Comprehensive" Piaristic School that spontaneous education is a defining pedagogical situation, which can touch on important topics from the point of view of evangelization or even personality development.

On the other hand, we have to organize our non-formal, i.e. extracurricular, activities into a system so that every child has the opportunity to find what suits him.

The director of the Piarist High School, Primary School and Kindergarten in Mosonmagyaróvár emphasized that a broad cooperation is needed to make the educational environment as rich as possible.

Source: Hungarian Courier

Viktor Zsódi/ Source: Magyar Kurír

It is exemplary for them if the dialogue between monks and secular teachers, as well as between the teaching staff, students and parents is realized in the school, if they see that the school is in contact with secular and church leaders, foundations, civil organizations, entrepreneurs - he explains the director.

The Church is present as a leaven in society, so we want to put social responsibility education at the center of every institution. We live in an age that questions Christianity. Europe is unsure whether it wants to be Christian

said Viktor Zsódi. He said that the booklet originally published in Madrid articulates at the international level that non-formal education is a means of overcoming poverty.

Since many people can't go to music lessons or training, to camp in the summer, they don't get as much inspiration, impulse, and challenge as others.

Non-formal education extended to everyone is therefore the best indirect tool for social justice and opportunity creation

said the director. He emphasized that the profile of the Piarist school in Mosonmagyaróvár is rather that they implement non-formal education and make it available to everyone. Also for students who may not even attend a Piarist school. For example, they can join the Kalazancius Movement - pointed out Viktor Zsódi, adding,

the document articulates again and again what our task is: fidelity to the founding charism and to the present.

Source: Piarist order

Source: Piarist order

He cites Szent József Kalazanci as an example, whose pedagogical program included the duality of passing on traditional values ​​and modernity, in other words: the translation of eternal values ​​into the language of the age. The director revealed that he thinks it is very good that church schools are similar, since Christ is still at the center.

It is not necessary that the Piarist, Franciscan, Salesian or Benedictine institutions show marked differences, since they are brothers to each other. Piarist monastic communities form the core of Piarist institutions. In close collaboration with the laity, parents and students, they create a school that seeks the right mix of pietas et litterae, religiosity and knowledge

said Viktor Zsódi. In the conversation with Magyar Kurír, they covered the chapter on the profile of the Piarist student, about which the director said that preaching the gospel can be effective if we say that God created man to be happy, and gives him earthly and eternal happiness.

For man, life is lifelong learning. Knowledge and education are valuable in themselves, but they do not contain the possibility of continuous development, since they end somewhere. We believe in a flexible mind, a flexible heart and an evolving reality

explained the director. At the end of the conversation, he stated: the document also emphasizes that we must create communities in which belonging to Christ can be lived in the style of St. József Kalazanci.

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Featured image: Magyar Kurír