We will de-woke, then drain the swamp to take back Brussels and re-conquer Washington too! CPAC Hungary will be held again this April, the director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights announced on Friday in a video shared on his Facebook page.

Miklós Szánthó said in the video. 2022 was a memorable year: the Hungarian right won a resounding victory because it stood up for God, the homeland, the family and peace.

"Because of the first European CPAC, CPAC Hungary, the globalist left booed even louder than usual, but the conservatives of the world celebrated with us, and there was something"

he said.

He added that last year they went further and wrote on the flag that the rampant left can only be defeated with the international cooperation of national forces. "We trumpeted the armies and blew the horns," he emphasized.

He went on to say that there will be decisive elections in Europe and the United States this year; we are facing unprecedented dangers.

"Globalist progress has turned into a sect that wants to shake our civilizations to its foundations: it rains migration and gender madness on us, while it doesn't want to hear about nation, sovereignty, child protection or even peace" 

Miklós Szánthó pointed out, adding that 2024 will be our year.

He added: at the CPAC in Budapest, with our allies from all over Europe, and indeed from all over the world, we will make the international revolution of the right a success: we will unawaken, then drain the swamp to take back Brussels and conquer Washington too!

He announced that the event will be held on April 25 and 26, and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been invited as the keynote speaker.


Photo: Facebook