At the initiative of Anna Donáth and Katalin Cseh, the left-wing majority of the EP decided to maintain the deprivation of rights of Hungarian researchers, teachers and students.

During the plenary week of the European Parliament, they voted on the report entitled "Implementation of the Erasmus+ program (2021-2027)". A few amendment proposals were received, one of which the names of the EP representatives of Fidesz and KDNP . Fair, legal and transparent procedures must be agreed with the committee in order to ensure that Hungarian students, teachers and researchers can fully enjoy the Erasmus+ program and contribute to the broader goals of the European Erasmus program, educational and research cooperation - they write in the amendment, to which some A People's Party representative also joined.

The Brussels newspaper Politico pounced on this, and in their newsletter attacked the People's Party by saying that it had teamed up with "extreme right-wing" representatives.

On behalf of the People's Party, which interprets the right-wing affiliation as an accusation, Manfred Weber, the spokesperson of the president of the party family, responded.

Dirk Gotink, Weber's spokesman, responded to the Brussels mouthpiece's accusations in an X post.

This Playbook [newsletter of the Brussels paper that made the accusation] attack is a hoax

Gotink asked, then quickly added that they would support the amendment marked by the names of Anna Donáth and Katalin Cseh.

deputies Donáth and Cseh submitted amendments to the Erasmus report on the agenda of the European Parliament's plenary session together with their two colleagues on behalf of the liberal Renew faction.

"We call on the Hungarian government to immediately respect the rule of law and EU values"

- they write in the modifier supporting goals contrary to the interests of Hungarian students.

The European Parliament group of Fidesz also responded in a press release to the fact that the EP adopted the Renew amendment with 456 votes. 

Andrea Bocskor, the Fidesz EP representative, emphasized on the subject:

During the preparation of the report, there was a great deal of discussion regarding Hungarian students, lecturers and researchers, since together with the presenter of the report, we made several attempts to get the European Parliament to stand up in favor of remedying the situation of students and lecturers at model-change universities who were unlawfully deprived of participation in the EU program.

At the initiative of two left-wing MPs, Anna Donáth and Katalin Cseh, the left-wing majority of the EP decided to maintain the disenfranchisement of Hungarian researchers, teachers and students, i.e. in favor of preventing Hungarian students, researchers and educators from continuing to participate in EU programs. The procedure of Donáth and Czech representatives is shameful.

According to the politician, it is especially outrageous that the European Commission has already acknowledged that there is no problem with the rule of law in Hungary and has started paying out "unlawfully withheld" funds, but now, under pressure from the European Parliament, they want to continue punishing Hungarian students, teachers and researchers.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Gyula Péter Horváth