It turned out that Dávid Korányi tried to shape the outcome of the Polish elections as a special representative of the Mayor of Budapest.

A video proves that already last summer Dávid Korányi promised to finance the campaign of the hinterland of the Polish opposition in Warsaw. The 2022 campaign treasurer of the Hungarian left also undertook all this while speaking as a special representative of Gergely Karácsony. In addition, it is possible that

Public money may also be behind Korányi's activities called city diplomacy, as the Free Cities Association, an organization with strong globalist ties, also appears on the capital's official website.

In 2019, the mayors of Budapest, Prague, Bratislava and Warsaw created the globalist, progressive organization called the Association of Free Cities. In December 2022, when Gergely Karácsony replaced Dávid Korányi, who was involved in the campaign financing scandal, from his position as chief adviser, he wrote that Dávid would help Budapest's international work in Europe and worldwide as a special commissioner of the Association of Free Cities, in an unpaid position.

Accordingly, last year, one of the institutes of the Soros University, Political Capital, also funded by the billionaire speculator and formerly working for the Gyurcsány government, and the capital already jointly organized the event called Budapest Forum, which admittedly was an initiative from the idea of ​​the Association of Free Cities . In addition, the latter organization also held a conference in June 2023 in Warsaw.

Dávid Korányi spoke as moderator at this event, who said the following:

"My name is Dávid Korányi, and I am here in two roles, for the sake of efficiency. On the one hand, as the Budapest special representative of the Association of Free Cities, and I have had the honor of being a part of the Association since the beginning. On the other hand, as the president of the American foundation we call Action for Democracy, which is a donor organization actively exploring the possibility of supporting the democratic ecosystem here in Poland".

As you can see, Korányi also spoke on behalf of Budapest when he promised to support the Polish left-liberal side. The consciously voiced dual role is also strange because, on paper, the Hungarian capital has nothing to do with the decision of the Polish voters or the operation of the "democratic ecosystem" there.

Last fall, the Korányis also interfered in the Polish elections after the Hungarian one, and financed 15 organizations that mobilized against the national conservative government using a variety of methods.

At the same time, Korányi's relations with Poland are not new. In 2015, he himself signed the letter of the Báthory Foundation calling for the acceptance of migrants.

This organization is the foundation of György Soros in Poland, from whose ranks comes the Minister of Justice, who is currently attacking the Polish constitution, Adam Bodnar, as well as a number of his colleagues.

By the way, Korányi, like the host of the mentioned Warsaw conference, Rafał Trzaskowski, is a member of the ECFR, a globalist liberal group that includes Alex Soros and George Soros, as well as Gordon Bajnai and Klára Dobrev.

In the meantime, Karácsony's former chief adviser can now organize the network of globalist-progressive mayors in the region who hold views similar to Soros's.

Every year, Budapest spends several tens of millions of HUF in public money on city diplomacy, and in the past the city also paid for Korányi's trips abroad.

According to the document summarizing the official foreign trips made and accounted for by the former chief adviser at the time, the visits paid for by taxpayers took place between January 2020 and February 2022. These official trips abroad cost a total of about HUF 1.6 million. It is well known that Korányi's wife, Enikő Mihalik, herself admitted that they had not visited Hungary for more than a year.

However, during this period, Korányi was a paid employee of the mayor's office.

On the website of the Association of Free Cities, we did not find any information about what the organization is currently supported by or what its budget is. In any case, the fact is that the Association of Free Cities also appears on the capital's official website.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Dávid Korányi and Gergely Karácsony
Source: Facebook/Gergely Karácsony