According to the liberal Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, the EU migration policy must be made humane and workable. I propose this below.

Accurate fact-finding is required before any problem can be resolved. The largely Muslim masses, in a strange way, want Europe, which is weakening in its Christianity, and not the Muslim Arab states, which are rich in oil and money. It would also be worth looking into the cause of this anomaly. Recently, immigration has three directions. From Asia to the Balkan Peninsula, mostly from Africa via the Mediterranean Sea to Southern Europe, and more recently sailing along the edge of the very dangerous Atlantic Ocean towards the Canary Islands. Almost only young, often battle-hardened men come to the Balkans, because this journey is tiring and takes a long time, too difficult for women and children. Men who have entered the Union will bring their relatives during family reunification. These migrating masses wade through countries, spread diseases, and force the countries affected by the migration to bear enormous costs. Women and children are already taking the trip on primitive boats in the Mediterranean Sea, hoping that the NGO ships will rescue them and transport them to the ports of Europe. However, not everyone succeeds, since 2015 several thousands have drowned in the sea. The organization of this artificially stimulated modern migration is a multi-billion dollar/euro business for people smugglers, because by the time an immigrant reaches the border of the Union, it already costs them many thousands of dollars/euro. This loan is mostly "put together" by the family. Then, at the border of the Union, immigrants throw away their documents, and thus it is impossible to determine who is a refugee and who is just looking for a better life, but even terrorists cannot be filtered out with certainty. The globalist media and politicians put a false veneer of humanism on this contemporary migration on the grounds that the Union has a moral duty to accept all immigrants. Based on the above facts, I accuse the pro-immigration politicians of the Union of mass murder committed in criminal alliance with human traffickers and NGOs, as well as of causing immeasurable additional costs to third parties.

My proposal for humane immigration is extremely simple. Those countries of the Union that deem immigration necessary due to demographic reasons or labor shortages should set up offices in countries with labor surpluses. Advertise the professions waiting to be filled, and applications will be judged on the spot based on valid documents. Applicants who pass the filter should be flown to the host country at their own expense. The price of a plane ticket is a fraction of the amount paid to people smugglers and would not increase the fortunes of criminals. My proposal would save immigrants from the long, expensive and sometimes life-threatening journey, the countries in the path of migration would not be burdened with unnecessary costs, there would be no need to build a fence on the EU's external border, and there would be no need to complicate passenger traffic with controls within the Schengen borders. My proposal would separate the real refugee from the one who wants a better life. The pseudo-humanist fig leaf of the need for immigration would fall, that we must accept everyone who arrives at the border of the Union, because everyone is at risk of some form of persecution. With my proposal, the matter of immigration - based on the principle of subsidiarity - would go to the lowest forum, the nation state, so it is democratic. The necessity and extent of immigration would be decided and determined by each country.

The method of assessing immigration applications abroad, which I also propose, is the same as the long-proclaimed position of the Government, but even more so, it incorporates the problem into a system. First, it presents in detail the inhumanity and harmful effects of today's situation, and then offers a concrete solution to eliminate the listed anomalies. With this type of initiative, the globalist representatives of the European Parliament could be forced into a debate based on facts, but for a constructive debate, three basic principles must be laid down in advance. Immigration is not a universal human right, even if many overpopulated countries of the UN are working on it. When evaluating applications, a distinction must be made between genuine refugees and those seeking a better life. In order to evaluate the application, everyone must keep their personal documents, because in the EU, not even a dog can be transferred from one country to another without documents. To transport a dog within the EU, the following are required: a microchip, proof of rabies vaccination and Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm treatment and a dog passport. What an anomaly that, on the other hand, masses of people come to the Union without documents! If the principles of the humane and functional immigration mechanism I proposed were not even allowed to be discussed by the Parliament of the Union, or were to be swept off the table "by force" without convincing counterarguments, that would be irrefutable evidence of the anti-democratic functioning of the body. The horse's leg would immediately stick out that unlimited immigration must be forced down the throats of the peoples of Europe at all costs, even by force! And this is none other than the implementation of the now hundred-year-old Kalergi plan, the creation of Eurábia. (A similar war is being waged against the Europian race in the USA, where the so-called Anglo-Saxon element has already become a minority.) The long-term goal of uncontrolled and mass immigration in Europe is to replace the Europian race with a new type of people, which would be a Eurasian-Negroid mixture. (Fritz Tamás, Magyar Idők 2018.07.24,)

In this chapter, I have to go beyond the topic indicated in the title, because the transformation into a mixed people already affects the genetic diversity of the human race. Because genetic diversity is one of the three arenas of biological diversity, which is often mentioned without content. Protecting this is a universal obligation, because what is lost in genetics is irreplaceable. While the protection of genetic diversity is evident in the flora and fauna, it is a delicate matter in the case of the human race, but nevertheless the topic must be raised! Of course, there is a spontaneous mixing of races in many countries, but the violent conversion of the population, originally almost purely European, into a mixed population is an assassination attempt against the genetic diversity of the human race! In other words, genocide, that is, genocide! According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the following are classified as genocide - without claiming to be complete - the following: "The imposition of living conditions on a group, the purpose of which is to cause the group's complete or partial physical destruction". This definition fits the Kalergi plan perfectly. The effort to destroy the gene pool of the Europid Great Race through interbreeding corresponds to the concept of physical destruction of the Great Race. Another definition I highlight is: "Taking measures aimed at preventing births within the group." The continuous attack in the European Parliament on the fundamental cell of the renewal of society, the institution of the traditional family, the Hungarian family support system and the child protection law, proves the aspiration of the leaders and the parliament of the Union. Furthermore, this goal is served by the discrediting of the traditional family form and the promotion of the single lifestyle in the entertainment industry and the media in the hands of the global financial elite, as well as the imposition of the LBTQI+ program on society. The real goal of all this, in addition to the endless atomization of society, is to have as few children as possible for the native European population! And this corresponds to the concept of "preventing births within the group". I note that the family is also in the crossfire of the neoliberals because it is largely in this small community that traditional culture and morality are passed down. Hebert Marcuse, the so-called It was recognized by one of the founding members of the Frankfurt School, and the LBTQI+ movement is one of the flagships of this destructive idea. Sensitizing preschoolers is so important to them because the child's brain records what it sees around it as normal. Therefore, it is a key issue for President Ursula von der Leyen to change our LBTQI+ policy and allow sensitizers into our kindergartens. This is why he is blackmailing the payment of the 20 billion euros rightfully due to Hungary to the authorization of gender madness. The imposition of unlimited immigration and the destruction of the Europid great race by mixing are nothing more than two means of driving the Europid great race into demographic suicide. There is no greater treason!


Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer, Telki

Cover photo: MTI Photo: Sándor Ujvári

(Readers' letters do not necessarily reflect the editor's point of view)