Life is a miracle, we must understand and accept its laws. The most important task of life is to preserve, serve and carry it on - said Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy, clinical psychologist, for the first time since his family tragedy.

The words of Dr. János Székely, the bishop of the diocese of Szombathely, best summed up the message of the pro-life conference organized by Pax Television.

Famous and public speakers brought up topics that really sounded the alarm: abortion, porn addiction, euthanasia, adoption, helping single mothers.

Pax Television, the first and only Hungarian television, published a declaration in favor of the protection of all life, which anyone could sign on the spot. The professional event focused on the miracle of life from conception to death.

Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy, clinical psychologist, spoke here for the first time since his family tragedy:

"Life is a miracle, we must understand and accept its laws. The most important task of life is to preserve, serve and carry it forward. And those who do not respect and obey the law may feel fundamentally guilty, as they forget that they also have their own non-material spiritual personality, which they deny. In this way, he actually ends the most basic human quality in himself. Let's really think about how we take a stand on the issue of life! This is the wisdom of the heart.”

Then he added:

"Every child needs to be taught by their parents to feel their own worthiness and importance. Your value is not determined by your material possessions! Currently, money as Mammon sits on the throne of God in this rematerialized world, and because of this, most people value human life and who you are very low.”

Zsuzsánna Albertné Görgey, President of the Association of Hungarians in Europe, founder of the Walk for Life movement, emphasized the need for education: "Education is extremely important so that unexpected children can also be born, because there are many people who have no idea about the possibilities and consequences. We must draw attention to the value of life by all means!"

Zsuzsanna Bergs, vice president of the 20-year-old Cry for Life Association, drew attention to an important fact:

"We save physical lives and evangelize. Today, every third life conceived in Hungary cannot be born. Since our association was founded in 2003, we have received thousands of calls for help and hopefully saved the lives of at least 200 babies."

Márta Popovicsné Palojtay's presentation, who lives in Transcarpathia and is the Head of the Family and Life Association, had a great impact on me:

"If we ask the question, what is the most dangerous place in Ukraine today, the answer is shocking: not Dombas, not the front line in Zaporizhzhia, but the wombs of mothers. In Ukraine, even before the war, the birth rate was extremely low, and it has worsened over the past two years."

Unfortunately, porn is an important part of the topic, because it quickly extinguishes the desires that are necessary in relationships in front of the screen. God created woman to be man's helpmate. A male-female relationship has at least three elements: passion, intimacy and commitment, of which you have to work for the latter two. At the conference, Barnabás Uzonyi, the pastor of the Péceli Baptist Church, sought an answer to the question of where it is worth starting from porn addiction:

"This is a surface problem with deep roots. There may be insult, abuse, self-esteem disorder, which causes a person to search for love and acceptance. Porn addiction is an escape route that wants to steal two things: self-image and god-image.”

The other speakers at the conference also all spoke in favor of protecting life, without claiming to be complete: Ilona Keresztes (founder of the Youth in the Service of Life community), Andrea Földi-Kovács (Director of the Axióma Center), Zsuzsa Máthé (Director of the Szent István Institute), Dr András Csókay (neurosurgeon). At the end of the conference, a phrase that was repeated several times kept ringing in my head:

"Life lives and wants to live".

777/Muzslai-Bízik Bencze

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