"I am interested in why we Hungarians - who have been violated in our sovereignty and sense of self - do not demonstrate in front of the Italian embassy and/or consulate against the abuse that has been inflicted on us and the Italian rudeness that wants to turn it around?"

I would also be interested to know whether the Komcs and deceived, barbarous digos protesting in front of the Hungarian embassy and consulate know what their compatriot did here with the terrorist's playmates? They chant that "killing a fascist is not a crime", but they did not attack fascists, but innocent bystanders chosen at random based on their clothing.

Have these protesters - and the other digos - seen the recordings of the insidious, sadistic, cruel sneak attacks? Did they see the injuries they caused? They weren't "small scratches" as the bigots try to tell you.

They are upset that their "teacher" was taken to the trial in handcuffs, because this is not customary in Italy. Who does not filter what is customary in Italy and what is not? They came here to us, to a sovereign, foreign country, committed serious crimes here, and according to Hungarian law, they must receive a punishment determined by the Hungarian court. In Hungary, those who commit serious crimes are handcuffed and handcuffed. That's the law and period.

K@rvára doesn't even care if the prisoners are treated with milk foam cocoa and raisin kuglóf, and they can cover themselves with silk blankets in their comfortable single-person cells. The "teacher" would have liked to stay at home or not commit a terrorist act, then she would not have to show up in a Hungarian court in steel bracelets.

"Teacher" ?! What kind of teacher is she? Do they teach and educate the youth in Digo County?

Finally, I would also be interested in what Hungary and its government have done so far, as well as civil organizations such as the CÖF, ,, to remove the veil from the eyes of the Italian public and see the matter as it really is? When do they want to move and do something?

Imre Mogyorósi (a Hungarian citizen who is angry at a k@rva)

(Readers' letters do not necessarily reflect the editor's point of view)

Photo: Italian citizen Ilaria Salis, a far-left activist under arrest in Hungary / Source: MTI