What the Gyurcsányist Sándor Rónai did on Thursday is another penetrating low point for left-liberalism in Hungary.

He insulted the M1 reporter Attila Császár, who asked him in a cultured tone, in a live broadcast with the following words:

You and your propaganda media wash the pedophiles. Are you used to rummaging in children's pants?

Any sane person would be shocked at this point. As you know, we are never prepared for such depths of spiritual barbarism and ugliness. How does Rónai imagine this? Where did this come from, and what right do you have to accuse a well-to-do family man (not incidentally: one of Hungary's - if not the - best reporters) and the entire right-wing press of pedophilia?

You can't even refer to the fact that you've been asked offensive questions before, and you've been floored by them. After all, Attila Császár is a gentleman, he gives respect to all his subjects. Rónai lost his facial expression: he had concocted his insult, he was certainly preparing to pedophile the right-wing press. He could therefore have committed his act with a premeditated intention, moreover, for a nefarious reason and in public.

In better times, after such an insult, Sándor would have received two slaps so big that his teeth would have played a round robin to stay inside.

After that, he would have been dragged through the city on his snot, until he cried and apologized. Maybe they will challenge you to a duel - although that was only customary among gentlemen, and Sándor Rónai is anything but a gentleman. Unmatchable in every sense of the word. But what am I talking about? In better times, such figures lived in the sewer network and could hardly cross the paths of decent people.

But now we are living in the end times. The people of the canals are among us, in fact, they are leading the European Union into the abyss. And while the Rónai people accuse the entire right-wing of pedophilia, they talk about a Fidesz pedophile network, and at the same time they make sure that bearded women, "drag queens" and all kinds of aberrant elements are allowed to freely attend our kindergartens and schools, to sexualize and mentally corrupt children at an early age, gender reassignment and to educate our children about the beauty of sexual perversions. Which is also pedophilia, and as such, should be punished as harshly as possible.

That Sándor Rónai insults a family man and pedophiles an entire political community, who, together with his party, the eye-catching DK, fights for gender brainwashing in kindergartens and schools, for the early sexualization of children, and for infecting them with aberrations. This is their political credo. (In the name of "human rights", of course.)

If the Rónai's and the left-wing gender mafia in Brussels succeed, they will not "just" ruin a few children for life, like Demszky's favorite, János V. Bicske, but entire generations of children.

What Sándor Rónai did yesterday is not the bottom, as they prove day by day, week by week, that they are always capable of sinking to new depths. Tomorrow or next week he will descend even deeper in the retreat.

I could urge Sándor Rónai to follow Attila Császár and ask him to apologize to the right-wing press for the false accusation of pedophilia, but I won't. Unnecessary. There are usually public figures on the left who have a conscience and who - when they make a mistake - are able to apologize. DK is not like that. There is not a single person with a conscience or honor there. No matter who has it, they don't take it. They never repent of their meanest insults, their worst treasons, their most depraved misdeeds (see: eye-rolling). In the DK, there are only a lot of little wishful-Szamuelys who - if they could - would hang up immediately.

Hungarian Nation / Tamás Pilhál

Featured image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák