This is not a reform of the European Union treaties, but a constitutional coup d'état, an attempt to eliminate the sovereignty of nation states - warned Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a member of the European Parliament of the right-wing Law and Justice party.

The EU institutions have been discussing amending the treaties for a long time, and the work itself is progressing quickly, but Europeans are not always aware of the upcoming changes, as foreign media are often silent on the subject. However, some MEPs and conservative circles are exposing Brussels' plans and sounding the alarm about the dangers.

Among other things, the panel discussion that was held in Brussels in the past few days, and in which representatives of the European Parliament of Law and Justice (PiS) also took part, was about this.

Politicians raised the issue of amending the EU treaties, which would lead, among other things, to the centralization of EU power. According to the intentions, Brussels will take control of areas that were previously managed by the member states. These include issues of education, health, defence, foreign policy, borders, the internal politics of EU member states, the right of veto and the euro currency.

The member states are therefore in danger of losing their sovereignty in order to build a European superstate.

The gradual dismantling of the existing legal barriers in the European constitutional system is the core of the entire structure, one of the characteristics of the inherently centralizing process of European Union integration, stated Ryszard Legutko.

This is not a reform of the EU treaties, but a constitutional coup d'état, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of nation states

Saryusz-Wolski answered.

Instead of further centralization justified by political showmanship and manipulation, a new EU treaty should be negotiated from scratch to restore subsidiarity and democracy in Europe

Belgian politician Gerolf Annemans said on the subject. According to the organizers of the debate, amending the EU treaties meant "giving even more power to Brussels and further eroding the sovereignty of member states in the relentless march towards an increasingly federalist future".

Late last year, the European Parliament presented a series of reform proposals that perfectly outlined the long-term intentions of the EU mainstream, while deliberately keeping the public in the dark.