He will have to make it plastic for the future youth, where complete self-surrender, complete insanity leads, when societies tired of prosperity lose everything that makes them a society and its members human beings.

"Mother is no longer an appropriate term. One day, posterity - if there is one at all - will surely write all this down in the history books. Because the young people of the future will have to make it clear where complete self-surrender, complete insanity leads, when societies tired of prosperity lose everything that makes them a society and its members human beings.

It will be necessary to make the young generation understand what the West became in the first third of the 21st century, and how and why it became that way. To this.

No more mother.

According to the new idea of ​​the Dutch government, instead of the mother, the words "THE PARENT FROM WHOM THE CHILD WAS BORN" will appear in the registers.

Who is the mother, of course, because not even these crazy, harmful and needlessly living idiots can overwrite and change the laws of nature and biology, but they pretend...

This is what they have left.

Creating cretinous concepts, persecuting and banning words, they set out to completely erase the past.

The parent from whom the child was born…

The West that goes to its mother.

It's kind of round like that..."'

Source: badog.blogstar.hu

The full article can be read HERE

Cover image: Photo: Michelle Raponi / Pixabay

It was also dedicated to the Netherlands: the word mother is replaced by "the parent from whom the child was born"