The craziness that is going on in the capital under the heading of bicycle lanes.

Months ago, the Árpád prince road and the Szépvölgyi road running into it were painted with a yellow stripe. The construction caused dissatisfaction even then, because cyclists were driven next to the cars, creating dangerous traffic situations, while a safe separate bicycle path runs just a few meters from the new bicycle lanes.

Now Karácsony have made Szépvölgyi út and Prince Árpád road "bicycle-friendly" - under the slogan, they have painted as many bicycle signs as you can hardly see anywhere else in one place, and as a result, it is not easy to adjust

Metropol writes .

bicycle lane Budapest

Photos: Metropol/Richard Fügedi

Cyclists have their glass full

The Budapest left wing led by Gergely Karácsony claims that the safety of cyclists is the most important thing for them. But the people of Budapest are gradually faced with a new bicycle lane design every day, which makes driving on it more dangerous. A typical example of this is when cyclists are forced into car lanes, creating traffic chaos.

The cycling community in Budapest is also hooked. They consider this solution to be life-threatening, as it drives cars and cyclists together.

The glass is full for cycling professional organizations. They were outraged because even during the mayorship of István Tarlós, most of the billions won years ago were not used by the capital, or if they were, nothing good came of it. According to them, the VEKOP projects that are now expiring have been rejected by the capital, so a significant part of them can no longer be implemented at all, and because of this, billions must be returned to the union.

The lesson of VEKOP's eight-year history is that without a faster, more efficient, more transparent process and implementation, only a small amount of money is achieved. In the absence of the above, Budapest's biggest cycling development source so far remains a missed opportunity

– pointed out the Hungarian Cycling Club.

The capital has spent more than eight billion on the thoughtless and often dangerous bicycle path transformations. The "Cycle-friendly infrastructural improvements Budapest II., III. and XIII. in the district" project. The EU development was scandalously used by Gergely Karácsony in the framework of a consortium between the capital and BKK.

Featured image: Metropol/Richard Fügedi