Dispatchers receive an average of 2,000 alarms from the devices every day, said Zsolt Nyitrai, chief adviser to the prime minister, at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday.

Zsolt Nyitrai signed a cooperation agreement with the National Civil Guard Association (OPSZ) on behalf of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office.

Before the signing ceremony, he drew attention to the fact that we live in an age of danger today. He reminded us of the pandemic we fought together, and then of the migration present in Europe, which "goes hand in hand" with terror. Meanwhile, a war has been raging in our neighborhood for more than two years, noted the chief adviser, who also emphasized:

in such a situation, the role of the civil guards is enhanced. He pointed out that the more than 60,000-strong community of civil guards could always be counted on.

During the coronavirus epidemic, they helped the elderly and the needy, but they are also present when protecting the borders. They pay particular attention to the protection of the environment, while they guard and take care of the safety of the families living in the settlements every day. He emphasized:

"Hungary is one of the safest countries in Europe, thanks to the civil guards."

Zsolt Nyitrai stated: the burghers and the burghers association can also count on the support of the Hungarian government. The Ministry of the Interior and the Prime Minister's Cabinet provide continuous financial support to the OPSZ, which has now become a public body.

The politician said that they support the daily work of the organization with modern tools, cars, and drones.

Zsolt Nyitrai also emphasized that the government considers not only public safety, but also the safety and care of the elderly to be important. That is why the free Care Hour program for people over 65 was launched in a unique way in Europe. The prime minister's chief adviser thanked the civil guards for their participation in promoting and delivering the care watch to the elderly.

Before the signing of the agreement, it was said that safety is the focus of the Gondosóra program, which helps people over the age of 65 to live in their own homes safely for as long as possible. Almost 600,000 people have registered for the care hours.

The daily average of two thousand calls to the dispatch center, which employs a hundred people, must be addressed, and the help of the civil guards is needed depending on the nature of the danger.

The signatories of the cooperation agreement are Zsolt Nyitrai, chief adviser to the prime minister, András Túrós, president of OPSZ, and Roland Juhász, managing director of the Government Service Center Nonprofit Kft.


Featured image: MTI Photo: Lajos Soós