"I could say we couldn't find your phone number, but that's not why we didn't call."

Mandiner interviewed Philippe Rákay . The Now or Never! The creative producer of the film touched on many topics in the conversation, of course the Petőfi film that debuted was the main topic, but the big film industry was also discussed. When the subject came up, whether there were actors who, for political reasons, did not take on a role in Now or Never! in the movie, Rákay answered the following:

» It happened. There were actors who would have been suitable for the film, we even invited them to a test recording, but they replied that we just couldn't imagine it. While real wars are raging, the culture war is also raging ever stronger.«

Then the name of Áron Molnár (noÁr) was also mentioned, to which Philip said that it practically amounted to a stone-hard job straight:

»I could say that we couldn't find his phone number, but that's not why we didn't call. We were only thinking of bright-eyed, talented young actors. So there was no common ground with him..."

Source: Hungarian Nation

Opening image: noÁr's Facebook page