The MSZP initiated a public administrative lawsuit and requested immediate legal protection due to the penalty imposed by the State Audit Office (ÁSZ), the opposition party told MTI.

In the announcement, it was written that the socialist party filed a lawsuit on March 15 in order to annul the Hungarian State Treasury's decision to implement one half of the ÁSZ penalty, and requested immediate legal protection against the collection of the other half of the penalty.

It was announced that the MSZP did not accept prohibited support from a legal entity, its campaign accounting published in the Magyar Közlöny was comprehensive,

he complied with the limitation on his election campaign expenses, therefore no penalty is justified.

They added: the State Audit Office bases its findings on documents in connection with which the audit office itself makes assumptions and draws conclusions from these assumptions.

    According to the MSZP, the partial report of the ÁSZ is a political order, an unsubstantiated document that does not even meet the requirements of the rule of law. Through the ÁSZ, Fidesz is trying to disable the democratic opposition parties three months before the municipal and European Parliament elections

- reads the document.

László Windisch, the president of the ÁSZ, announced in February that the Audit Office had found illegal campaign financing in the case of the opposition parties running jointly in the 2022 parliamentary elections, because the parties had accepted about HUF 261,260,000 in illegal foreign aid from the Everyone's Hungary Movement. According to his information, the parties participating in the coalition - DK, Jobbik, Momentum, MSZP, LMP, Párbeszéd - must pay this sum into the central budget in equal proportions within 15 days, and at the same time, the support of the parties concerned from the central budget must be reduced by the amount of the prohibited support must

Zoltán Lomnici Jr., Századvég's legal advisor, previously told la Magyar Nemzet: the party that accepted a financial contribution in violation of the relevant rule contained in the law, is obliged to pay its value to the central budget within fifteen days - at the request of the State Audit Office (ÁSZ) .

In case of delay, the debt must be collected in the manner of taxes. 

The party's support from the central budget must be reduced by the amount representing the value of the accepted financial contribution. Zoltán Lomnici informed:

therefore, the penalty must be paid voluntarily within fifteen days, and if this is not done, the debt can be collected in the form of taxes. 

The other half of the penalty is the reduction of the support received from the budget by the value of the accepted financial contribution, so effectively the parties do not have to pay the second HUF 260 million, they just do not receive it.

And the parties will not receive less money for the campaign, but their general central party funding will decrease by this value. 

MTI / / Hungarian Nation

Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák