In Brussels, there is a warlike atmosphere, warlike language, warlike logic - said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who this time from Brussels gave an interview to Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! in his show.

According to the prime minister, Brussels is fighting its own war against Moscow, but Hungary is not at war with Russia. As time progressed in the spiral of war, we went from sending helmets to the point where there is already talk of soldiers from Western European countries being stationed on the territory of Ukraine.

How far are Western leaders willing to go in support of Ukraine?

This is shocking to Hungarian ears. We must be careful not to let this war psychosis infiltrate us and lose our ability to orientate ourselves correctly, according to Hungarian national interests, Viktor Orbán said.

How far are Western leaders willing to go in support of Ukraine? asked the presenter.

Viktor Orbán said that what was unthinkable 2-3 months ago has become completely natural 3 months later.

He added: we are now talking about Germany giving Ukraine missile systems that can be used to shoot deep into Russia, perhaps as far as Moscow.

The Prime Minister said: "this is not a video game", the statements have consequences: hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans, as well as ruined cities.

As the prime minister said, what we must represent: "ceasefire, peace negotiations."

Viktor Orbán explained: there is an organized political force in Hungary that would drag us into the war.

He added: fortunately, he sees that the majority of Hungarians have kept their sanity.

Why don't other countries ask their citizens? the question arose.

The Prime Minister said that the truth is that they are asked, but not in the way we think. "In the West, the perception is that the citizens should be asked at the elections," he said. In Hungary, the government regularly offers to express their opinion at an appropriate volume, said the prime minister.

Brussels is in fact a prisoner of György Soros' network, emphasized Viktor Orbán. As he explained, European institutions give money to Soros' influential people who are inside the European Commission and Parliament, so Brussels is increasingly becoming their prisoner.

The issue of Ukrainian grain was one of the most important topics of the EU summit

In this regard, Viktor Orbán said that Hungary supports international relations and investments, but now it may seem that we oppose the import of Ukrainian grain into Europe.

In order to understand this, the Prime Minister pointed out that the EU sets extremely strict rules for European farmers. As he said, with regard to environmental aspects, chemicals, and usable seeds, the European producers reduce the production capacity of the farmers with "reasonable regulations". "There are no such rules in Ukraine."

Viktor Orbán pointed out that

the farmer who produces without obligations produces much cheaper and can sell his product much cheaper, which means a competitive disadvantage for European, including Hungarian farmers, compared to Ukrainian imports.

"There are six or seven countries in Europe that produce more food than they consume," he said, adding that Hungary is one of them.

Explaining the problem, the Prime Minister said that in this situation, the manufacturing industry will buy the cheaper Ukrainian product, which is why the reservoirs in Hungary are still full.

He reminded me that

it means an extraordinary effort for the government to help Hungarian farmers, meanwhile "Brussels is burning with war fever."

Viktor Orbán emphasized that the solution to Ukrainian grain dumping is to create fair competition conditions. Either there should be no strict rules in Europe, or let's bring the rules closer to Ukrainian producers as well, he said.

As he said, when farmers take to the streets, you can already tell that there is a big problem. "But Ukraine is more important to Brussels than European farmers." The Prime Minister believes that the appearance of farmers' demonstrations also reflects the European public mood.

The decisive question of the EP election will be who is pro-peace and who is pro-war

Viktor Orbán emphasized that the original goal of the EU was to create peace and prosperity, which European leaders are currently marching towards a war against, and living conditions are deteriorating. "People's feelings towards Brussels bureaucrats are basically negative."

The problem is with the bureaucrats in Brussels, that's why we have to occupy Brussels - stressed Viktor Orbán, and then explained what it might take to make this happen.

I think a lot about whether we are approaching the issue of European political struggles well. We think in traditional categories, but now a new dimension has opened up. The decisive question will not be party affiliation, but who is pro-peace and pro-war, said the Prime Minister.

According to Viktor Orbán, the most important thing is to send as many pro-peace politicians as possible to the European Parliament. The most important thing is to stop the war psychosis.

The left-wing politicians are marching into a war, which was originally a local conflict somewhere around Donetsk, Viktor Orbán said.

According to the prime minister, we are now at a point where NATO countries are being urged to intervene at the military level in the Russian-Ukrainian war. And if a country enters into an armed conflict with Russia, it can threaten a world war.

Unfortunately, it is possible to go from a local conflict to a world war, said Viktor Orbán.

Let's not forget that the world wars started in Central Europe. The First World War was also a local conflict that grew step by step, the Prime Minister explained.

I always warn politicians in Brussels to be careful, so that Europe does not find itself in this situation, said the prime minister.

The pro-war and pro-peace fault line is also present in Hungarian domestic politics.

The pro-war attitude of the European left appears also in the case of the Hungarian left. The situation is simple. Since they were bought by the kilo, they are financed from here, whoever gives the money orders the music - said Viktor Orbán.

They represent a position of war, but this cannot influence the policy of the Hungarian government. They would drag Hungary into the war. I am sure that if there was no national conservative government in Hungary, the country would drift into war, Viktor Orbán said.

Gyurcsány's people must be removed from the leadership of the capital

Local government elections were also discussed during the radio interview, in which Fidesz's mayoral candidate Alexandra Szentkirályi will be the former government spokesperson. The question arose, what is Fidesz's goal with Budapest.

The prime minister said

is happy to deal with the issues of the people of Budapest, however, it can be stated that national issues are the most important for those living in the capital as well.

He put it this way: there are Hungarian members of parliament who are talking about taking away what is given to teachers and kindergarten teachers through the Hungarian government in Brussels.

Viktor Orbán sees that the capital of our nation, Budapest, has been in captivity since 2019, just like Brussels.

As he said, the average person sees the mayor, but he drew attention to the fact that the ones who should be paid attention to are the politicians who operate in the background in the capital and pursue the same policies as before 2010.

He added: Hungary had to be pulled out of bankruptcy because it was brought there by people from the left, and now they control Budapest. The prime minister expressed his hope that the people of Budapest will elect a mayor who will prevent this.


Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is interviewed by Radio Kossuth in the photo published by the Prime Minister's Press Office Good morning, Hungary!
on the second day of the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union, on March 22, 2024, at the Brussels Media Center. MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer