The investigating authority recently conducted house searches at several locations due to the EU scandal of Kataliné Cseh, Magyar Nemzet has learned. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) is investigating the case on suspicion of budget fraud, and two suspects have already been questioned in recent years.

The National Tax and Customs Office went to several locations, then conducted house searches and seized evidence in the EU financial scandal linked to the Czech Catherines - it was revealed in the answer to our newspaper from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of the Capital City, which oversees the procedure.

As they wrote, "in the case in question - taking into account the interests of the procedure - we are only able to inform you that the investigative authority has conducted research at several locations in the past period and seized evidence".

They are under investigation for budget fraud

The press began to deal with the EU scandal in the summer of 2021, after the revealing materials of the masked figure Anonymus, and the tax authority launched an investigation on suspicion of budget fraud.

Based on the public data, it was possible to conclude that the members of the network of companies connected to the family business of the Czech Katalines applied for and won HUF 4.8 billion under suspicious circumstances. NAV specialists reviewed the EU tenders submitted in recent years by a network of roughly half a dozen economic companies. After that, the investigators established that the businesses applied for EU and domestic funds in a coordinated manner.

In several cases, the company's headquarters, branch office, and manager were the same, but more than once there was a match in the identity of the supplier and the location of the project implementation.

So-called holographic devices and technologies were included in the tenders. The latter element is quite important, since the employees of the tax authority make it probable that the companies of the network participated in ten tenders at least partly with the same development. The investigators discovered that the same equipment was procured in two tenders, and the same invoices were presented several times to prove the use of EU funds.

There are already two suspects

In the fall of 2022, NAV interrogated a person in the case , who is suspected of tax fraud exceeding half a billion. According to our previous information, the person is an official of a company connected to the Czech family's company, whose interests were seized by the investigative authority in the amount of more than billions. Later, the detectives "addressed" another suspect, who may have been an accomplice of the previously suspected official.

The full article HERE .

Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák