According to clinical psychologist Melinda Hal, "for the clinician, the facts are relatively simple."

An American singer and songwriter who sees himself as genderfluid has not only created gender-neutral but also race-neutral toilets for his fans at his concerts. The singer published in a video how he places litter boxes in the toilets so that even those who define themselves as "animals" can do their work comfortably.

We asked clinical psychologist Melinda Hal, the lead researcher at MCC's Learning Research Institute, whether, in her opinion, it fits within the framework of normality if a person defines himself as an animal, whether we can see this social process as dehumanization, and what happens when people demean him. themselves to the level of animals.

According to the expert, "there are strong biological, psychological and social differences between humans and animals". He emphasized that the situation is the same with regard to the emotional system, even if "in the case of those belonging to a higher species and order, science has been able to produce convincing results in the relevant areas in the animal world". He mentioned horses, dolphins or primates as examples, but added that humans surpass all of them in all functions:

in the ability to think, in learning, in the field of emotions, and it is also worth mentioning the spiritual self, for which we do not yet see evidence in the animal world. However, in the case of humans, yes

said Melinda Hal.

The professional psychologist also emphasized that the differences between humans and animals are not accidental, and if "we look at the activity of an influenza like this from the outside, it fits into the topic of dehumanization, just as it is also true that the activity shows similarities with earlier stages of evolution."

According to Melinda Hal, identity problems can be defined as a circle in which some people see themselves as animals.

"For the clinic, the facts are relatively simple," added the specialist psychologist, and he continued: "we know among unspecified personality disorders and paraphilias - such as zoophilia, enjoyment of animals can cause quality of life and functional problems - as well as other unspecified mental disorders to investigate."

genderfluid litter


According to the expert's opinion, "in general, it can be said that the above-mentioned activity reduces the individual's social functionality, even in terms of social relations". He also highlighted the traumatizing effect of another individual witnessing a human defecating in animal litter.

"Intimate relationships, sexuality, work and performance all deteriorate for those who are involved in this type of activity! It is harmful to society, as the sight can cause mental damage, not to mention hygiene problems"

said Melinda Hal.

Cases like this raise the question of the relativization of deviance"

- emphasized the specialist psychologist, and then added that "a number of mental disorders, however, must be treated and cannot be trivialized".

"Sigmund Freud already published a lot about the phenomenon of mass psychosis, together with many social psychologists. The related intervention in the human mind exhausts the conceptual scope of mental abuse and mental abuse," concluded Melinda Hal.

Featured image: Hal Melinda / Facebook