Is there any chance of an agreement on migration based on a real narrative? Written by László Bogár.

Following heated debates, the European Parliament adopted the migration pact. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, wrote on her social media page after the decision: "We have made history. We have created a reliable legal framework for managing migration and asylum in the EU. This was over ten years in the making. But we kept our word. We have created a balance between solidarity and responsibility. This is the European way.” These triumphant words evaluate the decision as a historic victory. They try to interpret what happened as the European Union as a whole made a decision that fits the issue of migration into an acceptable framework for all the inhabitants of the continent.

However, the reality is far from this.

It might be worthwhile to think a little about what happened and what the now adopted migration pact is "about".

The word pact means "agreement", that is, we should assume that this is really an agreement, compromises that can be accepted by everyone. But what was actually created was not a pact, but a dictate, the dictate of the global ruling system imposed on all of Europe.

It cannot be otherwise, if not only has a unified way of talking about migration not been created, but the ruling elites of the European Union, as they have done so far, have done and are doing everything now in order to fit the issue of migration into the same false interpretation framework. , and talk about it with the same set of false concepts that have prevented the creation of a real pact, rather than a dictate.

This realization is not new, in fact, important issues affecting the world, including Europe, such as migration, the climate, Covid and the world war conflict, which on the surface appears to be a Russian-Ukrainian war, are all under the control of false narratives.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced the complete rejection of this way of speaking, who stated categorically that the European Parliament can decide however it wants, Hungary will not implement it under any circumstances.

But is there any chance of an agreement on migration based on a real narrative?

If we only look at the political-technical surface, judging by the reactions, there is not even a technical possibility for this, let alone a substantive solution.

Viktor Orbán considers the fundamental pillar of national identity to be that each human community decides for itself who it wants to live with. But nothing shows the absurdity of the situation better than the fact that the Greens and the European left, and of course the network of global "civil organizations" that support them (such as Amnesty International) also reject the migration pact. for a completely different reason than the Hungarian Prime Minister. They believe that the pact is a spectacular failure, because it was not possible to achieve that Europe, and within that the European Union, enable the possibility of entering our continent from outside Europe without any restrictions, treating this form of "freedom" as a universal human right.

This latest manifestation of the global war of narratives can be such an unmanageably swirling system because this pact, for example, seeks to “manage” the issue of migration by almost completely ignoring global demographic processes.

However, during the past millennia, population problems of "tectonic" depth were always hidden behind large population movements, and this is no different today. Partly in West and South Asia, but mainly in Africa, the fertility rate is much higher than that of Europe, which is less and less suitable for the simple reproduction of its population, so

migration pressure will increase continuously and significantly in the future.

Africa's population will increase by more than two billion people by the end of the 21st century, without even the most basic conditions (mainly arable land and water) being available, moreover, these already plundered and distorted societies would not be able to handle the demographic "overflow" even with the right natural conditions ”, and that closes the circle.

That is why Viktor Orbán has emphasized on many occasions that the only way forward would be for Europe to create a pact whose essence would be to do everything in the African region to prevent migration from starting.

However, amidst the whirlwind of false narratives, this approach has so far only been able to appear at the level of empty promises. The deepest cause of the permanent global migration crisis is that, following the brutal plundering of the West, the social, economic, ecological and cultural reproduction patterns of the "tri-continental zone", i.e. Latin America, South Asia and Africa, have been distorted to such an extent that now the devastating consequences of this fall back on the world of the European Christian white man, which is also on the verge of degeneration.

The destructive network of global "civil organizations" is fraudulently and falsely trying to "solve" this historical chaos caused by the global power system by fully "unleashing" the consequences of this historically colonial white man-caused chaos and "bringing it back" to Europe.

Their criticism of the current pact indicates that they have completely failed to achieve this, but we should have no doubt that they have not only not given up on this endeavor, but will make more brutal attempts than ever to achieve it.

The European Parliament elections will show what the chances are.

Hungarian Newspaper

Cover image: László Bogár
Source: Demokrata/Tibor Vermes