Andrea Földi-Kovács, an outstanding figure in public life and value protection, was awarded the CitizenGO award created on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the citizen community.

Andrea Földi-Kovács has a significant impact on our society with her work in the media and civil life, and inspires us with her example in the service to protect human life - CitizenGO praised its awardee, and continued in their statement:

"In her show Unforgettable Credo , Andrea wholeheartedly supported the protection of values, publicizing the movements of pro-life and pro-family organizations and people in Hungary. Together with her husband, László Földi, she founded the Protected Society Foundation to organize value-protecting organizations and people into a network. Now he works as the director of the Axiom Center for a civilization of love, where "abortion has no place and where minors are protected from harmful content".

a joint petition in 2022 to prevent the restart of the course for training teachers on gender ideology at ELTE. At that time, together with Andrea, we handed over nearly 30,000 signatures to the management of ELTE."

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