YouTube blocked Eva Vlaardingerbroek's speech in Budapest, which was given at the 2024 CPAC Hungary. The internet video sharing site accuses the Dutch political analyst of hate speech, who in his speech pointed out, among other things, that the white, Christian population is being systematically replaced in Europe, and that immigrants from Africa and the Middle East already make up the majority of Western European cities. Vlaardingerbroek also spoke about crimes committed by migrants against the white European population.

"Of course YouTube deleted my speech," Dutch political analyst Eva Vlaardingerbroek wrote on X. The largest video-sharing portal removed the video of the Dutch political opinion leader, which showed his speech at CPAC Hungary in Budapest, citing hate speech. At the same time, Vlaardingerbroek thanked the owner of X (Twitter), Elon Musk, that the video has already been viewed by 50 million people on his platform.

According to YouTube's reasoning, the content of Vlaardingerbroek's video incited hatred against certain individuals or groups, which is not allowed on the platform. On the contrary

the Dutch public figure simply highlighted the harmful social effects of illegal migration.

At the beginning of his speech, Vlaardingerbroek recalled the violent crimes that have occurred in Europe in recent weeks and are linked to illegal migrants, and then that critics of mass migration constantly warn that, as a result of this phenomenon, the societies of the receiving countries will be faced with problems brought from the outside. As he said, tribal and ethnic conflicts are emerging.

Vlaardingerbroek also spoke about the fact that no one deals meaningfully with victims of white ethnicity who have been committed crimes by migrants. Although people are informed about such cases, the society does not take meaningful action.

He put it this way: this is the reaction of a society that has already given up and accepted defeat.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek warned that if Europe does not act meaningfully in defense of its own values, Western civilization and Christianity, then it will be lost in the abyss of history by an enemy invited to the continent by its own corrupt elite.
The Dutch political commentator noted: A systematic exchange of the white Christian population is taking place in Europe. Citing the circumstances of his own country, he said:

Immigrants make up 56 percent of the population in Amsterdam, 58 percent in The Hague, and 60 percent in Rotterdam.

He emphasized that the majority of these immigrants did not come from Christian or European countries, but from Africa and the Middle East. But the situation is similar in London, where migrants make up 58 percent of the population, and in Brussels, where this proportion is already 70 percent.
Vlaardingerbroek pointed out that the theory of controlled population exchange is no longer a theory, but a reality.

Quoting Frans Timmermans in 2015, he said: “diversity is the fate of humanity. And Europe will be diversified".

Vlaardingerbroek also added that the European elite meant by this the elimination of the white European population.

On the other hand, he sees that no political leader in Africa or the Middle East can afford to express joy over the imminent disappearance of their own population.

Vlaardingerbroek also reminded that

the Brussels bureaucracy is hostile to Hungary because the Hungarian political leadership does not support illegal migration, nor does it support population exchange.

The Dutch opinion leader also reminded that the opposite of Brussels' ideas are the sovereign and Christian European countries.

Source: hirado, hu

Featured image: Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek gives a speech on the first day of the two-day Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC Hungary) at Millenáris on April 25, 2024.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid