Hungarian farmers cannot compete with the Ukrainian farms of the international oligarchs.

"The current situation of EU agriculture is a good example of the performance of the decision-makers in Brussels over the past five years. They promised a competitive, modern and sustainable European agriculture, and now we see that in recent months, Brussels' pro-war policy is destroying European agriculture and farmers. Due to the serious consequences, farmers in the majority of the member states demonstrated, which was only suspended due to the start of spring work. In this situation, our task is no less than to restore the balance between the aspects of sustainability and competitiveness.

This has been overturned in recent years due to the extremely extreme green ideology that has settled on European agriculture, as a result of which European farmers have lost their competitiveness.

There is no reason for such excessive politicization, it is simply that the liberal, socialist and radical green elite in Brussels have imposed their will on the entire agrarian sector, which binds the sector's actors in a knot. The farmers felt for the first time how much they were betrayed and let down in Brussels.

What led to this?

Bad bureaucratic decisions and pro-war politics. In the first round, the European Commission rewrote the payment rules for agricultural subsidies in the name of simplification, which in reality resulted in a much more complicated system for both farmers and the administration. After that, they tried to force the goals contained in the Green Agreement, defined on an ideological basis, into the regulation.

It has now become obvious that the rules written by the Brussels bureaucrats, who are completely disconnected from reality, do not have a relationship of thanks to the reality experienced by the farmers in the fields.

The decisions made in the Brussels office buildings did not take into account the most important principles and practices when they decided over the heads of the producers. Compliance with the Green Deal and complicated regulations put farmers at a significant competitive disadvantage, who were already suffering the consequences of the war and irresponsible sanctions policy, such as record high material costs.

And what did the current leadership in Brussels do in this situation? It opened the EU market to Ukrainian agricultural products. We can safely say that he drove the last nail into the coffin of European agriculture. It is clear that European and Hungarian farmers cannot compete with Ukrainian farms owned by international big-capitalist oligarchs, farming hundreds of thousands of hectares, which produce under much milder conditions."

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: István Nagy's Facebook page