Robert Fico gave an interview to HírTV, in which, among other things, he defended our country from European attacks. The former head of the Slovak government explained that "I have never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, but I believe that the proposal to withdraw 7.5 billion euros of EU aid from Hungary is not a punishment for the fact that the Hungarian government or parliament adopts some laws or resolutions".

He added that "I believe that this punishment was imposed because Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government are very convincing in their ideas, for example regarding the war in Ukraine, but these positions are not in line with the positions of the member states".

Robert Fico stated that he feels the decision and proposal of the European Commission is dangerous.

I said this because if someone - in this case the Commission - claims that the rule of law is damaged in Hungary today, then I have to laugh a little,

because what happens then in Slovakia: in Slovakia certain persons die in prisons, in Slovakia we can witness that the Ministry of Justice has to apologize to those people who were wrongfully convicted. We have detectives who are accused of terrible things.”

The entire interview will be available today at 11 p.m. on HírTV, in the Globál program.


Featured image: Origo