A new series called “Queer Planet” features several episodes about animals and plants that appear to be LGBTQ. One of the messages of the series is that "the idea that there are only two fixed things is clearly out of fashion"

US television network NBC's new series 'Queer Planet' debuts on June 6, featuring a series of episodes about animals and plants that appear to be LGBTQ, from 'multisexual fungi' to 'pansexual primates'. Although documentaries have been made about almost every aspect of the natural world, this seems to be one of the first that a major channel has done to show "queer" flora and fauna, V4na.com points based on an article by The Post Millennial news portal. news agency.

In the trailer, narrator Andrew Rannells informs the viewer that "everything we were taught growing up is wrong" and that "this is a queer planet." "Queerness has always existed," one of the show's "experts" then notes, before another adds, "Only people have this much stigma attached to it."

The term queer refers to people who identify as members of the LGBTQ community.

One of the messages of the series is that "the idea that there are only two fixed universes is clearly out of fashion" . To prove their point, they rely on the fact that many plants and some animals change sex.

According to the documentary, it will "take a look at extraordinary creatures, witness amazing behaviors and introduce scientists who challenge the traditional idea of ​​what is natural when it comes to gender and sexuality."

"We've all heard of gay penguins, but this movie really opened my eyes to the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ behaviors in nature," Rannells said in a statement.

Of course, the new show did not remain without reactions on social media.

"Well, what about the cannibals?" one user wrote. "If animals eat others of their own species, should humans eat them too?" he asked the question. Another of them inquired about how exactly an animal can tell that it is transgender.