The debate will take place live without spectators and will be moderated; the moderators are Tünde Volf-Nagy and Balázs Németh.

Csaba Molnár, the campaign chief of the DK–MSZP–Párbeszéd, published the letter from the MTVA, which was written to them about the debate between the EP list leaders organized by public television. In the letter, they provided precise information about the details and most important technical information of the debate due on May 30.

Public television organizes a public debate between the leaders of the EP list. Csaba Molnár, the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd campaign chief, posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday afternoon the letter from the MTVA, which was sent to them about the planned debate.

According to the letter, the debate will take place in the Várkert Bazaar on May 30. It will start at eight in the evening and will be broadcast live on M1 under the title EP election 2024 - debate of list leaders, the planned duration will be approximately 100 minutes.

The debate takes place live without spectators and is moderated; the moderators are Tünde Volf-Nagy and Balázs Németh.

At the location of the live broadcast, 11 pulpits will be placed in a semi-circle, corresponding to the number of participants. If the representative of the organization that established the list and was invited to the debate does not participate in the debate, the pulpit with the emblem/logo of his organization will remain empty at the location of the live broadcast.

A list leader has a total of 8 minutes to comment during the discussion, in the form of 5 comments. In the first round, the delegates of the organizations making the list present themselves in 1 minute, then express their opinions in 2 minutes each in the 3 topics, and in the last round they respond to what was said in front of them in 1 minute. Speakers can decide whether to comment on each topic and exhaust the time frame available to them. If the speaker has used the available time frame, our colleagues, in accordance with the procedure used in the EP, will mix up the voice of the speaker, and the speaker will be deprived of the floor.

The order of speaking of the participants in the debate is based on the list approved by the National Election Commission, drawn according to the law, and the same as the order on the ballots.

The 11 listed organizations take their place in the following order from left to right: Solution Movement, LMP – Greens, DK–MSZP–Párbeszéd–Greens, Second Reform Kor Party, Everyone's Hungary, Momentum, Fidesz–KDNP, Jobbik, Respect and Freedom Party, Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party, Our Country.

Nominating organizations will have the opportunity to express their position on four different topics. These are the following:

defense and security of the European Union; migration/asylum; agriculture and/or democracy and the rule of law (in the third topic, the speaker can choose from these two topics). After the third round, at the end of the debate, all list leaders have the opportunity to reflect on what was said earlier in 1 minute.

Another important rule is that if the speaker does not use the available time, he cannot transfer it to the next topic, and if anyone deviates from the regulated course of the debate, the moderators will exclude the violator from the debate.


Featured Image: Pixabay