Terrible conditions prevail in the country.

It has long been no secret that forced conscription takes place in Ukraine. Viktor Andrusiv, the former adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior, recently made an extremely rude statement in a program. Based on a short report by Sztrana, Andrusiv said: "If you evaded the military call-up, you ran away on purpose. Then you have no right to say you are Ukrainian.

Are you a gypsy. You chose the gypsy life.”

, three Ukrainian men who fled to Hungary from the devastating war gave an exclusive interview to Tények They fear being deported, which would mean certain death. According to the new laws, anyone can be conscripted.

The police drag the men off the street into buses and send them to the front, where civilians survive for only three hours on average.

There is no chance of survival at the front"

said one of the men.

"Many people died at the front, and because of this young families were torn apart.

There are no men, the children are all left to the women.

A lot of women fled to Europe, and the men had to stay there, which is why a lot of families were torn apart," revealed the other man.

You can watch the full interview here:

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Serhiy Dolzhenko