Does Annuska also deliberately want to exclude herself from the jamboree among the EP chart leaders, so that she can point to a scapegoat, in our case, the MTVA, by becoming a victim? Maybe draw a number!

Anna Donáth also does not accept the terms of the debate between the EP list leaders announced by the MTVA for May 30, she claims that she will not sign the statement about it for "reasons of conscience".

Anna Donáth, the president of Momentum and leader of the EP list, published on her Facebook page the statement that MTVA asked her to fill out as a condition for participating in the debate on public television. The politician stated that he would not sign the document because his "conscience and the oath of representatives do not allow it".

In my answer, I indicated that I would be there for the debate, that I would like to participate in it, but I would not sign the statement for reasons of conscience

Anna Donáth shared her decision with her followers.

The president of Momentum also attached the document to his post, in which the MTVA defines the acceptance of the statement as a condition for participation in the event organized under the title of EP election 2024 - debate of list leaders.

I have read the information about the details of the planned program, I accept the terms of the debate, and I consider it binding. I understand that the violation of the conditions I learned about in connection with the EP election 2024 - debate of the list leaders will result in automatic and immediate exclusion from participating in the live program, and I will no longer be able to participate in the broadcast

- says the MTVA statement shared by Anna Donáth.

The president of Momentum also noted that by not being allowed into the studio as the leader of a parliamentary party's EP list and as an EP representative, "MTVA issues a certificate about itself" .

What's wrong with the terms and conditions?

Nothing. Obviously, a meaningful framework must be given to a multi-stakeholder discussion,

only some egos think that they deserve more attention as a subject, maybe they resent the fact that the rules apply to them in the same way as to others.

Or they are just using tactics: they deliberately exclude themselves from the discussion, so that they can point the finger at a scapegoat, in our case, the MTVA. This is more than pathetic behavior, such politicians do not deserve a vote, let alone a word in any campaign.

Péter Magyar hates that the rules also apply to him

The vice-chairman of the Tisza Party also objected to the conditions of the debate between the EP list leaders announced by the MTVA for May 30, and ironically Anna Donáth also criticized him for this.

Anna Donáth stepped on the heels of Péter Magyar, who was running away from the debate

Among other things, the regulations state that a total of 8 minutes are available for a list leader's comments during the debate, in the form of 5 comments. In the first round, the delegates of the organizations making the list present themselves in 1 minute, then express their opinions in 2 minutes each in the 3 topics, and in the last round they respond to what was said in front of them in 1 minute.

Speakers can decide whether to comment on individual topics and whether to use up the time frame available to them. If the speaker has used the available time frame, MTVA's colleagues will mix the speaker's voice and the speaker will be deprived of the floor.

If they silence me, or if the leader of the largest opposition party is excluded from the public debate, they will be upset. Everyone will see where the Hungarian public media is

- said Péter Magyar, adding that the demonstration planned for the Várkert Bazaar will still be held.

There are no more secrets, MTVA presented the details of the EP election debate

The public debate organized by public television will be held on May 30 in the Várkert Bazaar. The broadcast starts at 8pm and is broadcast live on M1. Its planned duration will be approximately 100 minutes.

Featured image: Árpád Kurucz