Strictness is coming for bread products: there is a good chance that the bakery product you are buying now is not what it says it is. reported .

The portal says that if the baked goods produced in large factories are called sourdough, they do indeed contain leaven, but mostly in negligible quantities. The leavening of these products is also done by yeast, the small amount of sourdough only modifies the taste and gives the opportunity to use the sourdough indicator.

The portal contacted the Ministry of Agriculture, to which the ministry said that the

The sourdough indicator is not regulated in the Hungarian Food Code.

The regulation does not specify the minimum amount of leaven in the products or of the leaven preparation that replaces it. Legislation, on the other hand, gives the possibility for the term referring to sourdough to appear in the name of the bread and in the communication accompanying the product.

It follows from this that the Hungarian customer lives in the belief that the yeast bread called kávászos available in the majority of stores is the same as the product made exclusively with sourdough available in small bakeries. Now, however, it seems that there is a change in the matter,

The situation is that the Bakery and Confectionery Committee of the Hungarian Confectionery Code has drawn up new draft regulations for the use of the "sourdough" label based on the comments of market participants. In this, stricter rules will apply to sourdough, because

modify its concept by specifying the maximum amount of yeast and the minimum duration of the maturation time.

This has already been approved by the Hungarian Food Code Committee, and the necessary legislative process is currently underway.

Featured Image: Pixabay