He is the one who, despite countless attacks, did not lose his faith in the need to bring God's caring love to those living in the greatest misery.

Szent Fülöp Néri, a "soul sculptor", was born in 1515, a period that can be considered the end of the Middle Ages. Father Fílöp, who died on May 26, 1595, is best known for his charisma Be Good If You Know , which was released in 1983 and was directed by Luigi Magni

He was the pastor of the poor in Rome, who, defying the expectations of the time, filled the church and parish with children who had become stateless. Like St. Francis, he begged, collecting the daily food not only for himself, but also for the children he took care of.

Source: Képmás Magazine

Source: Képmás Magazine

Father Fílóp saw it as his mission to live in the community of the faithful, to be one with the people. Most of all, he found his true priestly service in administering the sacrament of penance. His life goal was to lead everyone to Jesus! He shaped and sculpted souls with love and devotion, just like marble with a sculptor's chisel, and his personal attractiveness, humane, serene, gentle and easy nature helped him in this.

He did not give up the fight for the souls of the young! In the film made about him, we also see how much Satan attacked him and his community and tried to steal the souls of innocent children in order to make Father Fílóp uncertain and discredited. But the father took up the fight with Evil, was a man of prayer and worked tirelessly for those entrusted to him.

His contemporaries included the defining saints of the era, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis Xavier and St. Charles Borromeo. It is no coincidence that such great people lived in this era, as the spiritual and spiritual renewal of the Church was necessary, especially during the period of the Reformation.

Father Fílöp's life example did not remain without followers in the following centuries either. Think of St. Joseph of Kalazanci, the founder of the Piarist order, or St. John Bosco, who was similarly sensitive to the lives of disadvantaged children.

Nowadays, the Catholic Church provides help to many young people in difficult situations in different parts of the world. Think of Panama, where vulnerable women and their children receive help, or in several African countries, sick children orphaned by AIDS can count on protection. But you don't have to travel across continents, it's enough to think about Father Csaba Böjte's mission.

He is our father Philip, who, despite countless attacks, did not lose his faith in the need to bring God's caring love to those living in the greatest misery.

He gave more than 6,000 children a new chance: a chance for physical, mental and spiritual growth, the opportunity to have a better life than their parents and grandparents had. This charisma was given to brother Csaba, and this is also his vocation as a priest and monk.

Source: Attila Kovács / MTI

Source: Attila Kovács / MTI

It is unfortunate that he has become a target of the domestic left and they are trying to destroy the positive image of him in every forum. It is disgraceful how they want to ruin the 30 years of work and sacrifice that the Franciscan monk made for the service of saving children with lies.

Let us pray for those who sacrifice their lives to save the youth, we ask for the heavenly intercession of Saint Philip Néri!


Featured image: Mandiner