Here, Dr. Dóra Dávid, Meta's mysterious legal advisor, leader of the Tisza Party!

The loud mocking goes on about how incredibly embarrassing Győzike is, and what a stupid boulevard the nail-stretching tripe is, pff, they come to this and extend it to Bicské.

The agonizing wait is over, there are no more bitten nails: who has lived in London since the age of 16 gave an interview

Dr. Dóra Dávid, the mysterious unknown at the top of the EP list of the TISZA Party, is Meta's legal advisor.

However, our joy cannot be complete - the number of our questions has not decreased, but may even have increased.

Because even though the Cambridge-educated lawyer provided some exciting and innovative interpretations of the world, including the fact that Hungarian cuisine is better than British, and that Hungarians are a talented people, since Katalin Karikó and the Rubik's Cube; and although we also learned that if the EP candidate could invite anyone in the world to lunch, he would choose Canadian actor Ryan Gosling, Ken from the Barbie -

all of this only fueled the unpleasant feeling that we were being looked down upon for a little bit.

This may not be the case, I am not claiming anything, but when a so-called top candidate, two and a half weeks before the elections, instead of elucidating specific EU issues and formulating positions (in a sincere and kind way) with Ryan Gosling and the goulash soup reminiscent of the most superficial bédekkers - Balaton - He wants to convince us with a Rubik's Cube that he would protect Hungarian interests in a polished and sovereign way, but then it becomes suspicious that the teller (the think tank behind it) who rushed here from the banks of the Thames does not take us seriously enough.

There is a loud mocking of how incredibly embarrassing Győzike is, and what a stupid boulevard the nail-stretching tripe is,

how do they price their voters, pff, that's where the alleged alternative that covets the two-thirds (and thus the much-despised single rule) and the 0.3 percent EU growth, the war psychosis within NATO, the European demographic crisis, and the artificial in the midst of the spread of intelligence, he chats to his specialist destined for the front line as possible (not Győzi's, but his own Gál Kingá) about what everyday life was like in 2008 at the Cam-party college.

We are sincerely happy that when the neurosurgeon's father, who came to London as a chief physician, enrolled him in the local high school sometime in the early 2000s, and there six of the thirty students were white, it was "very interesting" and enriching multicultural (well, he found the standard to be lower than in the high school in Pécs, but it could just be a coincidence), however, the relevant question is whether

the next time there is a vote on the distribution of illegal migrants in Strasbourg, what position do you plan to take?

If (I assume) the son of a computer scientist from Kerala is an absolutely pleasant classmate, does that mean that it is appropriate to welcome a mentally damaged Afghan illiterate with a teddy bear?

We are terribly sorry that Viktor Orbán's views expressed on international issues are surrounded by incomprehension in the British-American friend circles of the representative candidate, and that he is therefore forced to explain himself. What does Dóra Dávid say at this time? Yes

would press the "yes" button with shining eyes every time the question is whether we should send unaccounted money and weapons to Ukraine,

while there are men who can be conscripted, or would you hesitate online? It is really unpleasant that the audience tries to draw conclusions about the answer from the blue and yellow balls discreetly hidden in the background behind the interviewee.

We could say, of course, that the poor beginner can't help but get the wrong questions - but if he can't even get his relevant messages through the channel of his own political community, but instead plays the role that the directors currently assign him, then what can we expect from the Brussels and in Strasbourg?

True, we learned that according to the candidate, joining the European Public Prosecutor's Office would help us "restore the rule of law" and thus receive the EU funds blocked due to rule of law issues -

but this indicates ignorance.

On January 17, 2024, Ursula von der Leyen stated quite specifically: the 20 billion euros that remain frozen are suspended due to "concerns" about LGBTQI rights, academic freedom and asylum rights. ("They are suspended for reasons that include concerns on LGBTQI rights, academic freedom and asylum rights" - this sentence left his mouth in the original.)

So don't mess with the European Public Prosecutor's Office: what is the plan for bringing the money home?

It was said in the interview that we joined this club voluntarily, so we have to stick to the rules of the game (raise your hand who signed some kind of trans rights or migrant acceptance commitment in the referendum of April 12, 2003 with a possible yes), and the representative candidate repeatedly emphasized (basically rightly) that the ability to compromise is always important, but

in light of all of this, what exactly would LGBTIQA+ rule-of-the-game look like? What would be the migration compromise?

Tomorrow, the Polish Minister of Justice will give a lecture on the rule of law in the CEU Nádor Street building, meanwhile, at the foundation-maintained University of Szeged, theses and dissertations are being diligently prepared on LGBTQ representations and the feminist specter - how should academic life be freed up in a compromise and rule-following manner?

In a 2021 representative German research, more than half of the university lecturers working at the faculties of humanities and social sciences there claimed that their research freedom was limited due to political correctness; since then, the "Jallah!" also university bookings seasoned with shouts -

should we take a good picture for this game, since we are club members?

Of course, it is possible that with some kind of Cambridge and meta finesse even these new and new demands from Brussels could be settled painlessly and even under the guise of a geeky student - but then we ask for a promise in this regard, accompanied by some smart and convincing suggestions. What added value it would have!

Just like when someone finally wants to protect public money in such a way that he does not repeatedly and with complete naturalness state how he himself tried to get taxpayer forints for himself, although legally, but without need. "I tried several times [to get a job in Hungary] within the framework of the »Come Home Young!« program, but there was no job suitable for my professional experience" -

the London lawyer has since pointed out to Magyar Narancs

Unfortunately, for someone like me who has moved home, the question immediately arises as to why a highly qualified intellectual coming from Western prosperity is trying to steal money and a job from the Hungarian state, while we, who did not graduate from London or Cambridge, with our more modest international experience, are surrounded by the competitive sphere, without any kind of cooperation or financial assistance from the Hungarian state.

But sponge it -

if Dóra Dávid were to knock Anna Donáth out, and then spend a whole day in Brussels raving about Hungarian cuisine and Lake Balaton, instead of hanging out with Věra Jourovák of all time, we would be even closer.

Good luck for that!

Francesca Rivafinoli/Mandiner

Featured Image: YouTube/Screenshot