Touching thoughts and feelings about the actor's love for dogs.

Most Alain Delon fans know that the world-famous actor loves dogs. In every interview with him, he expresses his admiration for this fantastic breed, and his request that in the event of his death, they will be buried in his garden, next to his dogs, who have already returned to eternal rest - we can read on his dog-friendly page.

He still likes to tell stories. He almost always emphasizes the importance of friendship, and never leaves out his deep love for dogs and animals.

Delon's love for dogs began in his childhood. His first dog was a Doberman named Gála, and as he says:

once I yelled at him and even slapped him on the bottom. The dog just sat down and looked at me. I saw her cry. That's when I understood everything about dogs, and since then all my dogs just smile.

In his youth, he often wore an army jacket to warm up the cubs he met on the road.

He once learned that a sadistic individual in the Pyrenees had doused a dog in gasoline and set it on fire. Delon sent his own veterinarian to the scene and took the case to court. It was the first time a court had convicted someone with a dog (named Mambo) in the courtroom.

He always speaks about them with full experience

In general, they have all the characteristics of a human, only with much fewer flaws. They have the loyalty, the love of the "master", without knowing who and what the master is. I am always touched by the homeless dogs on the street. They don't know that their "master" is homeless. They love the man as all dogs love their master without knowing who he is.

Do you think my family's dogs know I'm Alain Delon? They don't care at all.

My dogs love me, they don't know who I am or what I do. Love without thinking, pure and true love. Even in his old age, the actor travels a lot, and as he says, his dogs know immediately when he is about to leave, just by the clothes he wears. He can see in their eyes that they are following him around the house and acting excited.

The dog knows you're leaving, but it can't know you're coming back. It will always be a fear in them. I once said that real loneliness is what I see in my dog's eyes when I leave.

Alain Delon loves all his dogs so much that he buried them at home, each of them got a tombstone and a memorial, and he buried the couples next to each other. He had a small chapel built on his estate, where his pets rest. During his lifetime, he must make a will so that he can be buried on his own property, as he wants to be laid to rest next to his dogs.

This is how I want it: I will be with my dogs in our little chapel. Take me to the cemetery? I am home here, this is the land of me and my dogs, this will be the greatest luxury I can imagine for myself.

Featured Image: Michel Ginfray