On May 30 at 6 p.m. there will be a Civil Academy in the House of Science and Technology, our guest József Tóth-Szántai is the mayoral candidate of FIDESZ and KDNP.

June 9 will be decisive in our lives, since with the re-election of the European Parliament we will decide on the cultural, economic and ecological identity of Europe, and with the municipal election on the future of our narrower homeland, namely Miskolc, and the quality of life in Miskolc.

The current members of the EP have worked feverishly on the legitimization of illegal migration, on the acceptance and spread of gender ideology, the LGBTQ lifestyle, on the continuation of the war in Ukraine, with a vision of defeating Russia on direct intervention. Condemning our country on the grounds of the rule of law with the vociferous support of the Hungarian left-wing MEPs, the EP is trampling on the law, whether it is about the world's major crises (energy crisis, the so-called climate crisis, Russian-Ukrainian and Palestinian-Jewish wars) or the impossibility of European farmers.

In the meantime, several members and officials of the parliament were imprisoned for proven corruption, while retaining their EP membership. It is in our basic interest to replace the current EP representatives with FIDESZ and KDNP representatives.

Nowadays, Miskolc is going through a moral crisis that we probably don't remember. The coalition supporting the mayoral candidate (in a widely used term: the laundry coalition) created its own opposition during their reign, forgetting about the city. The good intentions of the mayor were not enough to maintain unity.

The measures and institutions that improved public safety, traffic, and the image of the city, implemented under the previous mayor, have largely been abolished.

The attractiveness of the city has waned, for example public baths have been temporarily or permanently closed, public transport is chaotic, with traffic jams even where traffic has been reorganized with construction investment. The reason for all this, allegedly, is the withdrawal of government subsidies.

However, according to reliable sources, the government did not reduce the city's support, but even increased it.

According to the survey that degraded Miskolc - undeservedly - to the 9th least livable city, and also because of our own experiences, the citizens of Miskolc are crying out for change.

The program of József Tóth-Szántai, the candidate of FIDESZ and KDNP and the Pont Mi Lokálpatriotáts Association, focuses on all these neuralgic difficulties and provides expertly supported answers for solutions and development.

In the presentation of our guest, he introduces interested parties to the details.

All interested parties are warmly welcome on May 30, 2024 (Thursday) from 5:30 p.m. in the House of Science and Technology.

Questions can also be sent in advance in an e-mail response letter, but we also give you the opportunity to ask some oral questions.

Dr. Attila Lengyel and Gyula Holló, honorary president of the CÖF Club Miskolc and president of the CÖF Club Miskolc