The war destroys the culture in Ukraine, for example, even though if he had been the president, the Ukrainian war and the October 7 attack on Israel would never have happened, the former US president said.

"If you look at Viktor Orbán, he doesn't want war, and I don't want war either," Donald Trump said in an interview with Timcast, which Miklós Szánthó, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, published on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

The former president and Republican presidential candidate recalled in the interview that during his presidency, the United States did not participate in wars, except for the one launched against the Islamic State (ISIS), "but we ended it 100 percent" .

“But I don't want wars. I think it's so terrible, so unnecessary, and so costly in terms of lives and money, in that order, and it's destroying these countries," the former US president said.

He emphasized that the war destroys the culture in Ukraine, for example, even though if he had been the president, the Ukrainian war and the October 7 attack on Israel would never have happened.

Addressing Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Donald Trump said that he is the leader of Hungary, "he is called a strong man, but the question is not whether he is a strong man or not."

" He's a determined man, he said the problem with the world today is that Donald Trump is no longer president," he said.

The Republican presidential candidate recalled that during his previous presidency, "China didn't play around, Russia didn't play around, nobody played around, and we didn't have any problems, today the whole world is on fire."

He stated, "if you look at Viktor Orbán, he doesn't want war, and I don't want war either."


Cover photo: Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump (Photo: MTI/EPA/Szilárd Koszticsák)