They shout about the alleged Russian terror threatening our entire continent.

With the usual rhetoric, that is, with the fear of the alleged Russian threat affecting the whole of our continent, German politicians are urging the restoration of compulsory conscription, reports Magyar Nemzet.

They add: they would impose this dividing institution on the other member states, as Manfred Weber, the president of the European People's Party, has recently spoken about making the registration mandatory for the entire European Union, and there is even a consensus between the current German government and its opposition on this , that they consider it desirable to include women in the army.

V4NA has learned from sources in Brussels that Manfred Weber's aim is that the new EP formed after the European Parliament elections will be among the first to discuss EU mandatory military service, for which the German government also has the political will, they write, since

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius also spoke about the reintroduction of compulsory military service

in a recent speech at Johns Hopkins University in Washington.

That's telling

According to ZDF, Chancellor Olaf Scholz instructed Pistorius "not to open the issue" before the elections.

How different winds are currently blowing in German politics than even in the recent past is well illustrated by the fact that conscription was abolished thirteen years ago during the tenure of a CDU defense minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, writes Magyar Nemzet .

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Filip Singer