Every week we are closer to war, every week something happens that points in the direction of drifting into war, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán talked about this in Kossuth Rádió's program "Good Morning, Hungary".

There was an idea 30 years ago, after the end of the Cold War, after peace had been established in Europe, that it is possible to protect our countries with so-called professional armies, who are willing to risk their lives and even sacrifice their lives to protect the homeland - said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Rádió Kossuth Good morning, Hungary! in his show.

According to the Prime Minister, now that there is war again, if humility is discipline, self-defense, and the ability to sacrifice oneself, then it is not necessary to restore conscription.

Viktor Orbán said that we have summer programs where we can bring people and young people closer to self-defense, honor, and patriotism even without military service. Therefore

Hungary does not yet feel that restoring conscription is the only way

- He told. 

Germany or the Baltics have almost already brought it back, but it is each nation's own business, so we don't have to worry about it. What we should be concerned about, however, is that the German leader of the European People's Party also talks about military service in such a context as if it should be done in a unified army, which would mean that the provision over the fate of our own young people would be out of national competence, we would lose our sovereignty and someone else would decide the about the blood of Hungarians. This is unacceptable, said the prime minister.

Viktor Orbán also said that it is alarming if one does not look at the events from the daily whirlwind, but instead looks at where we were last week.

One of the events of the past week is that there are negotiations in France for the military officers of NATO states to go to Ukraine. The French therefore undertake to train soldiers on the territory of Ukraine.

Another event is that Ukraine could use weapons received from Western countries against Russian targets. The NATO Secretary General said that the weapons belonged to the Ukrainians from the moment they received them.

It seems that Ukraine would not be able to shoot Russian targets without NATO.

We are closer to war every week

- pointed out the Prime Minister.

This will be a big debate, and the Russians have already announced that they believe that NATO is involved in the armed damage caused by the Ukrainians on the territory of Russia.

The Russians - who attacked Ukraine, launched an invasion - said that they attacked Ukraine because it wanted to join NATO. They also said that they would advance in Ukraine until an area was created that the Ukrainians could no longer shoot through to cause damage to the population and cities of Russian – not occupied – territories.

So, how long the Russians will advance is also related to what weapons the Ukrainians use to shoot at Russia's territory, said Viktor Orbán. He added: the better weapons they shoot with - the Russians said - the further they will come.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the Western powers believe they can win in Ukraine. Geography also plays a role in this, since the western countries are further away, they think that the actual risk of war is further away from them than from Central Europe. However, this argument does not take into account that thanks to technology it is possible to travel longer distances and, moreover, they have a greater sense of security than the Central European countries. The Western world wants to achieve a military victory in Ukraine against Russia.

The Prime Minister recalled that during the Tisza and Horthy eras, our country was forced into the First and Second World Wars. It is clear that Hungary did not want to participate in either world war, but enormous pressure was put on the Hungarian governments of the time. Viktor Orbán emphasized: we are moving in this direction, the pressure on us is increasing. The answer to this is for the Hungarians to be united, because that is how we can resist.

Hungarians must be united in the cause of peace, we must dare to say that we do not want to die for Ukraine.

This war is not our war, it is not happening in our interest, we must not suffer, we must stay out of it - emphasized Viktor Orbán. This position is unpopular in Brussels, but it is in Hungary's interest. The Hungarian government's argument against the Westerners is that NATO is a defense alliance, it was organized for defense, not for the organization of military missions, and it is absurd that they want to drag it into a world conflagration. This is as absurd as a firefighter going to put out a fire with a flamethrower, said the prime minister.

Viktor Orbán said that it must be made clear that we are balancing between war and peace. The Prime Minister drew attention to the fact that many people in Europe claim that there is no danger of war, as the government says. As he said, it must be said that whoever speaks like that, delivers weapons or sends soldiers like a pro-war, is pro-war. The prime minister emphasized: we do not believe that Europe could endure a war.

Viktor Orbán said that the European Union is a peace project, it was created against war. It must be made clear that we did not enter to go to war together and send hundreds of billions to the war, he added. We are already at 100 billion euros, and new demands are being made.

"War is a monster that is always hungry and needs to be fed"

said the Prime Minister. Orbán added that he sees the leaders of the EU are ready to feed the war. He emphasized that the voice of peace cannot be ignored. We are some of the countries that are on the side of peace, or are now maneuvering, said the prime minister.

With a good European election, Europe must be diverted from the path of war, emphasized the prime minister. He added: the first stage of every war is to prove that the war is right. Then time passed, it turned out that war was not a solution, that's how people became pro-peace.

This realization was the case in the case of the world wars, there were years, now this should be saved, said Viktor Orbán. According to him, war can be avoided if the leaders decide in favor of peace. These are human decisions, not necessary things, he added.

In a democracy, the only way to do this is to send representatives who are not pro-war, but pro-peace, to Brussels. There is only one such party in Hungary: Fidesz-KDNP.

MTI / hirado.hu

Photo: MTI