As a result of the heated debates between the heads of state and government, the hopes of an agreement on the distribution of EU leadership positions were quickly dashed - according to the newspaper known as the mouthpiece of insider information in Brussels. Disagreements over appointments can pose serious obstacles, including to the second term of the President of the Commission.

"EU leaders on Monday night did not support Ursula von der Leyen's re-election as president of the European Commission, despite French President Emmanuel Macron and German President Olaf Scholz assuring them in recent days that they were close to an agreement"

diplomats who requested anonymity told the newspaper.

No deal tonight

– this is what Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, told the journalists late on Monday evening, after the leaders' dinner.

At the informal working dinner of the heads of state and government of the European Union, no political agreement was reached on the person of the leaders of the EU institutions - the European Council, the European Commission - and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, informed in Brussels on Tuesday morning.

Speaking to journalists at the end of the meeting that lasted into the night, Charles Michel said: although no agreement was reached on the identity of the top EU leaders, the extraordinary working dinner was a good opportunity to exchange opinions, review the results of the European Parliament elections and prepare for the official summit of the member states' leaders in Brussels, scheduled for the second half of next week .

The purpose of the informal meeting is not to make a decision on leadership positions, but to have an "in-depth exchange of ideas" about the candidates, he said.

The President of the European Council emphasized that further negotiations will be necessary next week in order for the positions to converge

at the June 27-28 EU summit, it is necessary to make a decision on the person of the top EU leaders and to make progress on the strategic agenda of the European Union, on what direction and goals the EU should follow in the period 2024-2029.

According to information, Ursula von der Leyen, the current president of the outgoing European Commission, the European People's Party (EPP) politician who won the most seats in the European Parliament elections, enjoys the support of most of the leaders of the member states.

Former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa may become the head of the European Council, and after Josep Borrell, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas may become the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Mark Rutte said that he held a bilateral meeting with the Hungarian Prime Minister in Brussels. He emphasized that the meeting was in a good mood and added that he is "cautiously optimistic" about eventually receiving Hungary's support for his bid for the post of NATO Secretary General.

Source: MTI / / Mandiner

Front page photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (j) and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte before their meeting at the unofficial summit of the European Union in Brussels on June 17, 2024, in the photo published by the Prime Minister's Press Office.
MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher