László Toroczkai signed the resignation statement handing over his European Parliament mandate to Zsuzsanna Borvendég. The president of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom also sent a message to Péter Magyar, the vice-president of the Tisza Party.

László Toroczkai, the president of Mi Hazánk, signed the resignation statement on Tuesday afternoon and handed over his European Parliament mandate to representative Zsuzsanna Borvendég. The president of the party announced this on his X page.

"There are those who could not cancel the monthly approx. 7 million HUF income (and many other benefits), and with a controlled vote - despite his promise - he kept the EP mandate for himself"

- wrote Toroczkai on his social media page, who did not mention him by name, but added in his statement sent to our editorial office that he also notified Péter Magyar of his resignation.

He then went on to say:

"He managed to list 8 arguments in favor of keeping the EP mandate and not mention a single counter-argument. What, in comparison, is the much-criticized national consultation or the Christmas Budapest residents' assembly? In these cases, at least they gave the appearance."

"It's okay, there are still a few of us who care about the word, the principles, the idea, the community we represent," concluded the president of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom.

On Monday morning, on his Facebook page, Péter Magyar, the vice-president of the Tisza Party, asked his followers to vote and decide whether he should take up his mandate as a European representative. In his post, he also listed his arguments in favor of the representation. According to the final result, a large majority of his followers want him to take up the mandate and sit in the European Parliament.

Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Máthé