Another administrative simplification will help families with small children: the administration of the childcare center will be simplified and speeded up, the State Secretary responsible for families of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation said in a statement.

Ágnes Hornung wrote that the government protects and maintains family allowances even in a prolonged war situation, and even works continuously to ensure that those affected can use them with as few administrative procedures as possible. As a part of this

From July 1, 2024, we will "further simplify and speed up" the determination of child care benefits (gyes).

In terms of change

parents entitled to the childcare fee (gyed) do not have to apply for the gyest after the end of the care, it will be established and paid automatically, as part of a so-called ex officio procedure

explained the state secretary.

He explained: the measure represents a significant administrative relief for families raising small children; thanks to the amendment, the parent who received the grant does not have to apply for the grant until the child reaches the age of 2 or, in the case of twins, the age of 3; in this case, the competent government office determines the benefit ex officio based on the data provided by the health insurer.

According to the announcement, after July 1, 2024, an application for child support must be submitted only if the parent who received child support does not apply. The application can also be submitted electronically through the customer portal from the SZÜF interface. Furthermore, it is also necessary to submit an application for child support if the right to child support did not exist until the child's second or third year of age, but ended before that.

Thanks to the gyed extra package of measures introduced 10 years ago, childcare benefits, i.e. the infant care fee (Csed), gyed and gyes, can be paid at the same time for several children of different ages. In addition, from the child's six months of age, parents can work without time limits in addition to paying gyed and gyes. The administrative measure, which will enter into force on July 1, 2024, thus means another relief for parents who raise small children and even work while paying the gyed, gyes, said Ágnes Hornung.


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