Dávid Vitézy submitted a constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court due to the election results of June 9. The former mayoral candidate does not agree with the result.

Former mayoral candidate Dávid Vitézy submitted a seventeen-page constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court. In his complaint, the candidate of the LMP asks the Kúria, the supreme court forum, to establish the unconstitutionality of his decision and to annul it from the robed body, it can be read on the website of the Constitutional Court .

According to the petitioner's point of view, the Court's decision violated the fundamental right to a fair procedure and legal remedy contained in the Basic Law, and ignored the fundamental legal aspects of the case before it.

According to the petitioner's presentation, crossing out the name of the eliminated candidate was implemented in such a deceptive way that it reached the level of fundamental rights restriction for both the voters and the candidates.

In addition, the Court did not comply with its obligation to give reasons, including when it ignored the fact that the petitioner presented the new request in the review motion only because the relevant facts and evidence came to light during the recount, and also imposed a disproportionate burden of proof to the petitioner, they wrote.

By the way, on Wednesday, the Kúria upheld the decision of the National Election Commission, according to which Gergely Karácsony will be the mayor of Budapest for the next five years. The reigning leader wrote on Facebook at the time that he accepted the decision of the independent Hungarian court.

Due to the lack of transparency of the election process, I would have even agreed to repeat the mayoral election in the entire city, now free of all political and legal manipulation. However, the Court's final decision closed this debate. Of course, I will not resign from the position of mayor, let those who wanted to mislead the people of Budapest and who were unable to conduct a fair recount resign.

- writes Gergely Karácsony. In its decision, the Court also rejected Dávid Vitézy's request.

After the recount, the difference is 41 votes

In the June 9 election, Gergely Karácsony defeated Dávid Vitézy by 324 votes, but on the initiative of Dávid Vitézy, the invalid votes were recounted - there were more than twenty thousand of them - which did not change the order, but Gergely Karácsony's advantage decreased to 41 votes, we wrote earlier.

In Dávid Vitézy's post after the decision, he wrote that "according to the legislation on the electoral procedure, both candidates can still file a constitutional complaint regarding the decision of the Curia" . Thus, since "Gergely Kárácsony previously said that he will use all possible legal means for the sake of the election of the new mayor of Budapest, which he considers necessary" , Vitézy believes that the mayor will also turn to the Constitutional Court.

In relation to the part of the Court's decision concerning the previous irregularities that I presented, after the legal evaluation of the decision, I reserve the possibility of a constitutional complaint

- he indicated, and then added: "he finds it extremely worrying that the elected mayor has recently classified as fraud the legal remedy procedures that have been available to all candidates for decades, which in the end made him the winner anyway".


Featured image: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs