We can expect his most spectacular production to date on St. Stephen's Day.

The most spectacular fireworks display of all time will be the highlight of the unusually four-day series of festive events on August 20, the Government Information Center announced. More people can enjoy the play of fire and light than before: instead of the previous 4.3, it will be visible for more than five kilometers along the Danube.

This year, we are celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the state with a series of four-day events, due to the long weekend of August 20, programs are expected from Saturday, announced the KTK.

On St. Stephen's Day, the usual mini-festivals, musical, cultural and gastronomic programs await those interested in 19 locations.

The St. Stephen's Day event series has been the most popular summer program of Hungarian families for years: festivals, concerts and other open-air events that can be visited free of charge serve the relaxation and summer experience of Hungarian and foreign guests visiting Budapest and the capital.

According to the KTK, this year Budapest residents and tourists visiting the capital will be able to enjoy the most spectacular fireworks display of all time.

More people can enjoy the play of fire and light than before: instead of the previous 4.3, it will be possible to see more than five kilometers along the Danube, that is, this time the viewing area will go all the way to Margitsziget, and it will touch three downtown bridges instead of last year's two.

The number of pyrotechnic devices, drones and the volume of light painting will also be greater than last year.

Due to the above, the cost of fireworks will increase by a small amount compared to last year.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Fireworks in Budapest on the occasion of the founding of the state, Saint Stephen's Day, August 20, 2023
Source: MTI/Zoltán Balogh