Being a football EC, let's talk sports. We are very lucky that there are always people outside the coastline who will tell us the truth. And luckily for us, they always know how to play football better than those on the pitch.

With such a know-it-all kibic, you can block the Danube here, and I'm not primarily talking about real football. From the political field, from which these figures - deservedly - have worn out. They behave exactly like those who shout from the sidelines of the village football field: "Look at that lame man!" The unlucky one scored five goals, but look how lame he runs!"

We also have one of these for special doors.

Former SZDSZ geniuses, such as the miracle-mayor Gábor Demszky (the miracle is that he was elected again and again while he let the capital rot), quite a few of the former luminaries of the MDF - for example, Ákos Péter Bod and Géza Jeszenszky, who feel neglected, even though they might know that you can't play football with a broken leg, and you can't play in a Christian-conservative team with a liberal-Bolshevik attitude.

There are political scientists who know everything much better, but they have never found anything, no results. Let's say Gábor Török, László Kéri, László Lengyel and their colleagues.

We have economists - Zita Mária Petschnig, László Békesi, György Surányi - who have been able to demonstrate the same performance for decades now.

Should I list more? There is a very long list of those who see the successful team-building of the current national team captain, who has reigned for 14 years in a row, through some kind of distorting lens and constantly criticize them, but at least they have seen a ball, in fact most of them - admittedly, only in the second division of the county, but - once -he also played twice.

Some of them were constantly running offsides, others were unable to score from even two inches, and others kicked drunken own goals, but at least they had seen a football match up close. They weren't good at the game, but they were undeniably in it.

Today, these degenerate characters are trying to act as referees, but there is a big problem with their eyesight. "Penalty!" they shout while the ball bounces in the starting circle, and there is no one near the striker leading the ball. "He was ambushed!" they scream, even though the quarterback is rolling the leather home. "Gooooool!" they scream, even though a throw-in follows. These "experts" call the people on the field a dog club and would like to replace the entire team immediately, even the fact that we just scored the sixth goal does not change their intention.

In vain, they are just like that, we can't expect anything else from them.

Well, even if we don't expect it, it still comes from some of them. Here is this lovely antipathetic Jenő Kaltenbach, who would be a lawyer, but once played as a sweeper (as the parliamentary commissioner for national and ethnic minority rights).

Whether it was good or bad, it is impossible to know, his game did not leave a lasting mark on the league. On the contrary, as a spectator, he tries very hard, trying to outdo even the most stubborn of fans. Although the dog is not interested in his opinion either, after the announcement of the program of the Austrian-Czech-Hungarian Patriots for Europe, he suffered a hate-filled Facebook post. Here it is:

"Orbán and his gang have arrived in the EP where they belong, the scum of Europe, the bottom half of the continent. Even those (Le Pen, Meloni) were not willing to talk to him, with whom he tried to make friends.

Is this good for us, Hungarians??"

Apart from the "little lie" that they are not willing to talk to Orbán and his "gang", since he was just negotiating with Meloni, but also incidentally with the Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese prime ministers, the German chancellor, and Macron as well, I don't think that the the Hungarian Prime Minister would have arrived at "the scum of Europe, the lower half of the continent".

As far as I know, Viktor Orbán has not yet visited Jenő Kaltenbach.

György Tóth Jr

Cover image: Jenő Kaltenbach gives her opinion, even though the dog is not interested in hers
Source: MTI/Lajos Soós