In mid-June, in addition to Transparency International Hungary, the Sovereignty Protection Office (SZH) launched a unique, comprehensive investigation against the investigative portal Átlátszó. Átlástzó denied with legal arguments that it had an obligation to respond, and Transparency International labeled the office and the law that created it as unconstitutional, and therefore refused to cooperate.

However, Átráltszó declared that

In its response to the request of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty, the newspaper denied with legal arguments that it had an obligation to answer the questions asked by the office, and therefore does not cooperate in the investigation.

The essence of the refusal to cooperate is that the "activity aimed at influencing the will of the electorate" indicated as the reason for the official investigation means political campaign activity in party political or local government political matters, according to the Act on the Electoral Procedure, and Átlátszó does not engage in such activity, observed .

Therefore, according to Transparent, it can only share information with the office that would be provided to anyone else upon request.

Transparency International Hungary also responded on Monday to the request of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty, in which the non-governmental organization dealing with the fight against corruption and transparency branded the office and the law establishing it as unconstitutional, and therefore refused to cooperate:

"Due to its conviction regarding the unconstitutionality of the Sovereignty Protection Act, the Transparency International Hungary Foundation considers the establishment and operation of the Sovereignty Protection Office, as well as the current procedure of the Sovereignty Protection Office, to be incompatible with the Basic Law. Consequently, we are also convinced that the Transparency International Hungary Foundation is not obliged to answer the questions asked by the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty."

Photo: Pixabay