For now, the parliamentary faction is made up of 28 representatives from nine EU member states, including 14 from the AfD.

The German Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has found enough partners to form its own faction in the European Parliament, the spokeswoman for co-president Alice Weidel confirmed the previous report of Die Welt.

For now, the parliamentary faction is made up of 28 representatives from nine EU member states, including 14 from the AfD.

In addition to the AfD, the faction includes the Mi Hazank Movement, the Reconquest (Reconquete) from France, the Confederation of Freedom and Independence (Konfederacja) from Poland, Rebirth from Bulgaria, Se Acabó La Fiesta from Spain, the Freedom and Direct Democracy Party (SPD) from the Czech Republic, the Republic (Republika) from Slovakia and the Union of People and Justice from Lithuania.

According to Weidel's spokesperson, the faction is open to other people who want to join.

The formation of the faction will be officially announced on Wednesday evening, according to Welt. The AfD proposes to give the faction the name Europe of Sovereign Nations.

According to the plans, the leader of the faction will be René Aust, AfD's member of parliament from Thuringia. Negotiations are currently ongoing for the positions of deputy presidents.

The leader of the Czech SPD, Tomio Okamura, confirmed to the Czech news agency CTK the plan to create a joint parliamentary faction with the AfD.


Featured image: MTI/EPA pool/Martin Divisek