Senior BBC radio commentator John Hunt's wife and two daughters were killed when a man attacked the family in their home.

Carol Hunt, 61, Hannah Hunt, 28, and Louise Hunt, 25, died the night before from "crossbow and possibly other weapons" injuries at the family's home in northwest London, police said on Wednesday.

Scotland Yard issued a warrant against a 26-year-old suspect named Kyle Clifford in the case of the triple murder.

Clifford was taken into custody by armed police units in the Enfield district of north London on Wednesday night after a massive manhunt.

According to the police, the suspect was found injured and received medical attention. The statement does not detail the cause and severity of his injuries, but states that no police weapons were used during the arrest.

Even before the arrest, the police said that Clifford probably had weapons and asked that if anyone thinks they recognize the suspect based on the published photo, they should not approach him, but call the emergency number instead.

The British Ministry of Defense on Wednesday confirmed media reports that Clifford was briefly a soldier in the British Army in 2022.

The 58-year-old John Hunt, who previously served in the police force, has been the leading expert commentator for the horse racing broadcasts of the BBC 5 Live radio station, which mainly specializes in sports and public life programs, for two decades.

Under current British law, you do not need a gun license to own a crossbow, but you cannot be in public with such weapons either.

However, the previous conservative British government has already started the legal revision, the aim of which is to extend the extremely strict regulations on the possession of firearms to the possession of crossbows in the future.

As a direct precursor to this, on Christmas 2021, the police arrested a man armed with a crossbow in a non-public part of the royal family's residence in Windsor, the then monarch, II. Near Queen Elizabeth's suite.

At the time of the incident II. Elizabeth and at least twenty members of her family stayed in Windsor Castle, including the late monarch's three sons, the then heir to the throne Károly - who, after his mother's death in 2022, III. He ascended the throne under the name Károly - as well as Prince Andrew of York and Edward, Earl of Wessex.

After her capture, the intruder, then 21-year-old Jaswant Singh Chail, confessed to the police that he wanted to kill the queen. Chail was sentenced to nine years in prison last October.


Cover image source: Unsplash