Some of the French commentators were surprised that "a Habsburg", so to speak, and György, the youngest son of Otto Habsburg, was appointed Hungary's ambassador to France, reports Euronews, referring to the Le Figaro article .

The members of the former royal dynasty are highly respected in many places, and their knowledge passed down from generation to generation, as well as their upbringing and education undoubtedly predestined them to act as diplomats. The 55-year-old György has held various diplomatic positions since 1996, he also worked as a traveling ambassador and represented the interests of the Hungarian Olympic Committee abroad.

The problem is that György Habsburg represents the Orbán government

Despite this, the appointment of the ambassador to Paris upset the mood, many French people commented on it on the website of Le Figaro, but also on other social platforms.

Despite the fact that Otto Habsburg was a well-known figure in France, as he was a member of the European Parliament for 20 years and was extremely respected throughout Europe, there is a lively debate on several websites, where the news of his son's appointment as ambassador appeared. There are those who write: this is "an honor for France", others object that György represents the Orbán government. Still others complain that the Habsburg name was even possible, since the French practically consider them archenemies.

According to one French commentator, "the Habsburgs were the sworn enemies of our country for centuries. Practically every war, be it the Napoleonic Wars, the Imperial Wars, and finally the First World War, was caused by the Habsburgs. Is it a question of Viktor Orbán intending this as a prank for Macron? I think yes…."

More Hungarian than Austrian

As a French commentator points out: it is interesting that while the Habsburgs are not very welcome in public life in Austria, Hungary appoints members of the family to important positions. In Austria as early as 1919, and in Hungary only two years later, the House of Habsburg was dethroned thanks to the failed royal coups. It is known that George's grandfather, IV. Károly, the last Hungarian king, attempted to reclaim the Hungarian throne for the first time exactly 100 years ago, between March 27 and April 5, 1921. This is also referred to as the Easter King's Walk.

Although French commentators grumble about George's appointment, it is a well-known and accepted fact in Hungary that the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the last Hungarian king remained in close contact with Hungary, and if there was resentment against the Habsburgs, fueled by knowledge gained from history books, this resentment was largely eroded. The fact that part of the family settled in Hungary is probably due to the way Queen Zita, IV. Károly's wife managed the education of his children.

It must be noted that the appointment of György Habsburg will probably only be raised by those who have not followed the development of his life in recent decades. György's family is based in Sóskút, near Budapest, and his three children, Zsófia, Ildikó and Károly, were born in Hungary. And he himself, together with his father, worked a lot to ensure that Hungary could become a member of the European Union, and as he said in a lecture at the National Public Service University in March 2019: he declares himself Hungarian, not Austrian in any way.

Source: Mandiner, Euronews

Cover image: Illustration - György Habsburg and the Hungarian Holy Crown. He only watches with interest, not longing, because he knows exactly how much easier his life is as a civilian/ Photo: MTI/ Tamás Kovács