As Gyurcsány's last straw, he stayed away from the vote together with the extreme liberals.

"At today's session of the Parliament, everyone had the opportunity to respond to the protection of children in line with their values ​​- writes János Volner on social media.

The child protection referendum was aimed at the areas that were attacked both by the leaders of the European Union subordinated to liberal interests and by the domestic left. In this situation, the most democratic procedure is to go directly to the people and ask for their opinion.

However, the left only wants to conform to the liberal mainstream and does not care about the interests of children. This was also proven by the fact that they did not participate in today's vote, because they believe that the Brussels liberals will give a more appropriate answer than the Hungarian people.

My former party, Jobbik, committed a historic betrayal: Gyurcsány, as the last leader, stayed away from the vote together with the extreme liberals and did not support the Hungarian people deciding on Hungarian children.

Not only has the last vestige of national feeling and right-wingism disappeared from Jobbik, but the germ of normal thinking has also disappeared from it. The future of our children, the protection of their lives is the common cause of all of us, it is our common duty to protect them!"

Featured image: Gyula Péter Horváth