The soldier who went through the battle of Úzvölgy, who is still a regular participant in the commemorative ceremonies held there, turned 100 years old. God bless Mihály Vitéz Bartha!  

Mihály Vitéz Bartha who is now 100 years old , or as his acquaintances call him, Bácsi Misi, is a regular participant in the commemorations in Úzvölgy, and what's more, he is a survivor of the military clash on August 26, 1944, during which only 70-80 of the approximately three hundred soldiers tasked with border protection they survived.

The Maszol portal visited Uncle Misi at his home in Sepsiszentgyörgy last September and asked him to tell about how he remembers the battles and how he managed to survive the battle. It also turned out that he was one of the few survivors who, even during communism, began to return to the site and remember their fallen comrades, which the authorities at the time did not look favorably on, but tolerated the seclusion of the few survivors disguised as excursions.

Úzvölgye_katonatemető_Vitéz Mihály Bartha

Uncle Misi at the commemoration on August 26, 2023 with his grandson and great-grandchildren | Photo: Balázs Borsi /

Nowadays, we can hear and read a lot about Úzvölgy and the scandals of recent years, and this "modern-day battle noise" sometimes suppresses the peaceful and dignified commemoration that is regularly organized every year on August 26 in memory of the heroes who died there. For years and even decades, these main drives have had a special participant, Mihály Bartha Vitéz from Sepsiszentgyörgy, who first came to the Úz patak valley to the thousand-year-old Hungarian border for military service just before the fighting on August 26, 1944, and after a few years of absence, in 1960 Since the 1960s, he regularly returns to the former battlefield to remember his comrades who died there with his companions. It was no different last year either. He came with his grandson and great-grandsons to the service and procession at the military cemetery, and also laid a wreath in the cemetery plot of the Hungarian National Guard.

The full interview HERE .

Cover photo: Veteran soldier Mihály Bartha from Úz-völgy, who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, shows the recognition in the courtyard of his house in Sepsiszentgyörgy on July 30, 2020. The man celebrated his 96th birthday on July 16. MTI/Kátai Edit